• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


I wanted to get these photos of some peppers Ive got growing inside posted and figured I'd include them in my 2021 grow log since they are gonna be around for awhile.  These are three of the Scarlett's Chilli X Poblano.  I liked the taste of the F1's and I interested to see what becomes of the F2's.  I got the F1 seeds from PollenNut and posted those photo's in his original topic here:http://thehotpepper.com/topic/73286-f1bc1-free-seed-being-offered/page-8#entry1705015
I started the three of these at the end of October.  Wish I could have started more since these are the F2's but I'm limited on space inside.  (Reserving space for the seed starts of my main grow)
Here are a couple of shots of two of them in the Grodan cubes.  Two of them germinated in about 2 weeks.  There is a seed in the middle that hasn't popped yet but after ~4weeks it did sprout.
SxP new.jpeg

I took this pic about 9pm showing how the leaves curl up after being under the lights for 16 hours.  I noticed this last year with my seed starts.  First thing in the morning the leaves are in the normal position and stay that way all day.  I figure that they are done with the light for the day and "raise" their leaves to limit exposure?
SxP start.jpeg

The next pics are after I up potted them.  The late arrival went into a solo cup and the first ones got larger digs for now.
The late arrival

And the first sprouts.  I included both pics even though they look about the same.


And todays pics.  The late arrival is showing one leaf that looks "different".  It looks like it is variegated.  Or maybe something wrong.  Hard to tell for sure right now but maybe in another week or two it will be more evident.

The first sprouts.  Growing nicely.


That's it for now.  I'm still deciding on what to grow this coming season.  I have a list going that is ever changing.  Some of my picks are definates and others get added and taken away.  There's still time to decide though.  I've been pretty busy trying to update my other hobby which is beekeeping.  This year I am going to start using smaller hive boxes so Ive been busy building new ones!  It's supposed to be cheaper than buying them pre made but WOW!  Lumber prices have almost quadrupled this year.  The price we pay for hobbies!
Take care
Looks like variegation to me! 
I have a few Purple Tiger and PT hybrids that show similar coloring. Some wait until their third or fourth set of leaves to start changing color, others have only mild variegation, others simply don't express. I can't comment on PollenNut's specific cross here but it does look characteristic - which is exciting!
Congrats to PollenNut and Tybo on what looks to be a very successful community grow!
Edaxflamma said:
Looks like variegation to me! 
I have a few Purple Tiger and PT hybrids that show similar coloring. Some wait until their third or fourth set of leaves to start changing color, others have only mild variegation, others simply don't express. I can't comment on PollenNut's specific cross here but it does look characteristic - which is exciting!
Congrats to PollenNut and Tybo on what looks to be a very successful community grow!
Thanks but the cross is PollenNuts.  Im sure he is growing these out also.
DownRiver said:
Great looking starts Tybo. Plants look strong and healthy. It'll be interesting to see how they progress. Best of luck with them. I'll be watching!
Thanks DR.  
Edaxflamma said:
Also, inquiring minds want to know, what variety of Nepenthes do you have hiding over there?
Good eye Edaxflamma!  That is a nepenthes ventricosa.  It was pretty pitiful looking when I bought it.  I found it at Lowes tucked away at the back of a shelf getting practically no light.  Out of curiosity I bought the thing hoping to nurse it back to health with hopes it would take care of some gnats we have in the house!  I bought the moss and mixed it 50/50 with some perlite.  (info I found on the web)  It is 4 or 5 times bigger that it was when I first got it so its growing pretty good.  I haven't given it any fertilizer per instructions on the web although it looks like it could use some.  The instructions I found said that by not giving it any fertilizer would encourage the pitchers to grow so it could feed itself.  So far I haven't seen the first one.  If you know any better please let me know.  There is so much conflicting info out there concerning these things.  Honestly I'm just winging it!
PaulG said:
+1 DR! Always fun too see an
interesting new variation pop up!
+1 Edax. Looks like variegation to me.
It is looking more like variegation Paul.  PollenNut says to expect some variegation in these F2's.
Tybo said:
Good eye Edaxflamma!  That is a nepenthes ventricosa.  It was pretty pitiful looking when I bought it.  I found it at Lowes tucked away at the back of a shelf getting practically no light.  Out of curiosity I bought the thing hoping to nurse it back to health with hopes it would take care of some gnats we have in the house!  I bought the moss and mixed it 50/50 with some perlite.  (info I found on the web)  It is 4 or 5 times bigger that it was when I first got it so its growing pretty good.  I haven't given it any fertilizer per instructions on the web although it looks like it could use some.  The instructions I found said that by not giving it any fertilizer would encourage the pitchers to grow so it could feed itself.  So far I haven't seen the first one.  If you know any better please let me know.  There is so much conflicting info out there concerning these things.  Honestly I'm just winging it!
Biggest things that will help it right now are either distilled or RO water, as much light as you can give it, and higher humidity. This may seem like an exaggeration, "How on earth could they need reverse osmosis or distilled water... seriously?" but they do come from extremely nutrient poor areas and really need a lack of dissolved salts. Contradicting my previous statement entirely, you can foliar feed with a 1/8th strength orchid fertilizer but I wouldn't do that until you have flushed all the salts out of the soil with a month or so of RO/DI water. For humidity, I used an ultrasonic humidifier for mine and it really does make all the difference in the world when it comes to pitcher formation and retention. 
Once it gets a little bit taller and has mostly recovered, you can either let it go to gain pitcher size, a new pitcher shape, and potentially flowers (fairly uninteresting), or you can top them and kick out a bunch of super tiny pitchers. 
Thats a good looking plant Edax!  
As far as RO or distilled water, I have only been using distilled water.  Its super cheap at the grocery store so I don't mind.  I just looked at my temperature/hygrometer guage and its only 31% humidity right now!  I'll have to look into the ultrasonic humidifier you talked about.  We have some orchid fertilizer here but I'll continue to hold off on that.  Thanks for the info.
Not to derail your whole thread here, but if you want to cheat a little bit, the only part of the plant that actually seems to care about the humidity is the pitchers themselves. You can cut the top off a water bottle, cut a small notch in the side for the petiole, lightly pack some damp long fiber sphagnum moss into the bottle, and cover the tip of a new "leaf." It should still grow and inflate without any issue assuming all your other parameters are good. 
That way you don't have to fog up the pepper room, though it would be happier over all with more humidity.
HeatMiser said:
I'll be following along Tybo. Interested in seeing what you have in mind for 2021, even if it's changing :P
How did you manage to get the seedlings out of the rockwool cube?
I don't.  I just slice the cubes with a sharp knife and plant the piece of cube with the seedling.  In the pics above I sliced the cube in thirds and just planted each in its own container.  Been doing it that way for a long time.
Im gonna post my list of peppers to grow this season.  Some of them I plan on growing and some are maybes.  I welcome input either way.
Red entries I plan to grow.  
Im starting the Lemon Starrburst for someone else.
Orange Habanero ISO (Chili Pepper Institute and SuperHotChilis)(Seeds from both sources)
Caribbean Red Habanero ISO (Fatalii.net)
Bahamian Goat ISO (SuperHotChilis)
Datil ISO (PureFloridaBlogspot.com)
Scotch Bonnet Saraga (Edaxflamma)
Scotch Bonnet MOA ISO (SuperHotChilis)
KSLSB (My pods via Juanitos)
Madame Jeanette ISO (SuperHotChilis) 
Primotalii ISO (JPPepperseeds)
Carolina Reaper ISO (PuckerButt)
Aji Panca ISO (CaneDog)
Sugar Rush Stripey (Fatalii.net)
Aji Amarillo (Fatalii.net)
Aji Ahuachapan (Edaxflamma)
Rocoto Montufar (Fatalii.net)  (SkullBiker talked these up enough I have to try them)
Rocoto Manzano, Golden (Fatalii.net)
Mozambique Piri Piri (ChiliChump)
Wiri Wiri (WiriWiri)
Shishito (My pods via Reimer Seeds)
NuMex Vaquero (CPI)
Chili Rayado (MacMex)
Tovarii (WiriWiri)
Tepin Cappuccino (CaneDog)  (Tried these last year but didnt germinate)
Texas Tepin (HeatMiser 2020 A train)
Purple Flower Chacoense (WiriWiri) (GIP seeds)
I know it's a long list but not near as long as it was.  Last year I planted way too many so I'm scaling back this year.  (So far anyway)
Help me out with my entries.  For example, I was looking forward to trying the Suriname Madame Jeanette pepper but stumbled across a couple websites that said it didnt have any flavor.  Heat only.  That's why Im now undecided about it.  
It's getting close to grow time!
Great looking selection, Tybo - I've been seeing really interesting grow lists all around for 2021.
I'll be looking forward to following along.
And you know what, I'm growing that very same Datil.  What are the chances?   ;)
Alright Tybo, getting a list going is the first
Here’s to a great season!   :cheers:
CaneDog said:
Great looking selection, Tybo - I've been seeing really interesting grow lists all around for 2021.
I'll be looking forward to following along.
And you know what, I'm growing that very same Datil.  What are the chances?    ;)
How about that!  I'll be keeping an eye on that Datil so I can compare it to mine!
Pepper Merchant said:
That's a great looking grow list!
Thanks PM!
PaulG said:
Alright Tybo, getting a list going is the first
Here’s to a great season!   :cheers:
Thanks Paul.  The thing is the list kept going and going!  Ive had to cut it back several times.  And then when I read everyone else list I want to add more.   :party:
HeatMiser said:
Oh awesome!
Glad to see you're going to be growing the TX Tepin Tybo - hope it grows well for you.
Have you decided either way on the Stripey?
Yeah, Im actually looking forward to growing the Texas Tepin.  Thanks for putting the seeds on the train.  I only took 3 of them so wish me luck with germination.
As far as the Stripey, I think I will plant at least 1 of them.  The pictures Ive seen show really neat looking pods.    
I was actually going to wait several more weeks to drop seeds but I may have to start the wilds sooner.  I know they can sometimes take a long time to decide to germinate.  
Tybo said:
Yeah, Im actually looking forward to growing the Texas Tepin.  Thanks for putting the seeds on the train.  I only took 3 of them so wish me luck with germination.
As far as the Stripey, I think I will plant at least 1 of them.  The pictures Ive seen show really neat looking pods.    
I was actually going to wait several more weeks to drop seeds but I may have to start the wilds sooner.  I know they can sometimes take a long time to decide to germinate.  
No worries, just wanted to put something interesting in the train... I've had good success germinating the seeds, but in any case, let me know and I can send you some more.
I started a few wilds tonight.  Actually, last night I started soaking them in a weak H2O2 solution.  1 teaspoon peroxide to 1/2 cup distilled water.
Tonight, about 24 hours later I put them in rockwool cubes.
H2O2 soak.jpeg

Im starting:
Galapagoense (CD) 2 seeds
Tepin Cappuccino (CD) 2 seeds
Texas Tepin (HeatMiser) 3 seeds
WiriWiri (WiriWiri) 2 seeds (not a wild)
Tovarii (WiriWiri) 2 seeds
None of the center holes are used.  I made a couple holes left front and right rear in each cube with the exception of the Texas tepins that have an extra one in the left rear.
15Jan start.jpeg

I put them in this disposable baking thing that has a plastic dome and set them on a heat mat set at 82F.  I had pretty good luck last year with germinating wild seeds (with the exception of the tepin cappuccino) so hopefully things go well this year.
I really wanted to start more varieties of wilds but I'm making myself cut back this year.  

I still have to start the chinense, baccatum, pube and annuum varieties but it will be a little while for them.  I'll be growing several plants of some of these.  I ran out of peppers last season for making enough sauce to last and had to buy habaneros from the grocery store!  
Edit:  The wiri wiri is not a wild.  Its a frutescens.  I don't know why I keep forgetting that.   I looked it up after writing this and found that it is a very common pepper in Guyana.  
Sorry for my confusion.
I wanted to post these updates on the Scarletts Chilli X Pablano plants.  They are coming along good although the variegated plant is lagging.  Looks healthy though.
Here is a shot from above of the variegated plant.  It's just now starting to bloom.  Not quite open yet.
Disregard!  I'm getting an error trying to upload these pics.  "Uploading is not allowed"   Evidently my old iPhone 6 has started taking high resolution pics and the file size is too large?  
Further updates:  The seeds I started on the 15th haven't germinated yet which isn't any alarm.  They are the wilds.
I put some seeds in to soak in a peroxide solution last night so I've got to get them in their rockwool cubes today.  I only had 6 cubes that I could find.  I thought I had more so I only soaked 6 varieties then logged in to amazon and ordered some more.  With my prime membership they should be here tomorrow.  Hopefully.
Well, I'm off to see why my pics won't upload.  I haven't changed anything so it's kinda strange. :crazy: The error says "Max. single file size: 100MB".  Pic info only shows 2.1MB.  Go figure.  Here is the error I get:
Error This upload failed
Attach Files     You can upload up to Uploading is not allowed of files (Max. single file size: 100MB)
Try our advanced uploader (requires Flash 9)

If anyone has any idea what's going on, let me know.  Thanks