Just getting this started so I can get a url.
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
I will post more about this in a couple of days.
Happy New Year, 2021!
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^^^ I agree 100% with that comment! ^^^Siv said:My reluctance with wilds is that the pods are tiny and generally full of seeds so for a lazy grower like me its a bit of a struggle. Are there any that have larger pods?
Siv said:My reluctance with wilds is that the pods are tiny and generally full of seeds so for a lazy grower like me its a bit of a struggle. Are there any that have larger pods?
Most have small pods alright. I find it easiest to justskullbiker said:^^^ I agree 100% with that comment! ^^^
PaulG said:Most have small pods alright. I find it easiest to just
wait 'til the end of the season, cut the plant down and
take off the pods all at once.
I'm not into wilds for the production, although most
make fine powders. My interest is more along the
lines of keeping some of the wild varieties in circulation.
Hopefully by comparing notes, the true specimens can
be identified by the group and seeds banked and shared,
as CaneDog stated above. I will be trying to isolate as
much as I can with my limited space and resources.
Even if you aren't into growing them, I hope you will
follow along, and chime in with comments and
Yes, Happy New Year, indeed. Apart from yesterday'swiriwiri said:Hi Paul...first off 'Happy New Year' ...Thou' it has not started out good at all...esp., yesterday....shocking/shameful!!!!
Have been occupied with the unexpected...but I do have a few "new"(to me) wildies to get going.
Definitely not to grow for sauce...the production is not up for that...lucky if you get some to bear fruit in yr #1.
My most productive plant was the Galapagoense of all wilds...that was extremely gratifying.
I've shared seeds with many so I hope to keep the "LINE" going..so Paul if you're looking for anything in particular give a shout...
The number one criteria for growing wilds is Patience...did I say Patience....as in many weeks/months..then the fun begins when that
special seed "POPS"![]()
Good Luck this yr with all the grow Paul & stay safe!![]()
You are most welcome to post them here all you like, Ty.Tybo said:Paul, Im planning on growing a few wilds this season. Should I post their progress here instead of my glog?
Appreciate your willingness to join in, Siv.Siv said:Well I'd be happy to give a few a go - I have plenty of space!
Edaxflamma said:I am strapped for space this season but I would definitely be interested in helping out for the future grows. With the industry focusing on the latest and greatest hybrid or the new hottest pepper, I agree that many of the lesser known varieties are at serious risk of either being lost or bred into oblivion.
Anytime you decide to grow some wild varieties,Edaxflamma said:I am strapped for space this season but I would definitely be interested in helping out for the future grows. With the industry focusing on the latest and greatest hybrid or the new hottest pepper, I agree that many of the lesser known varieties are at serious risk of either being lost or bred into oblivion.
That is a great reason, Dieter! I really hope you willahayastani said:My personal motivation to grow wilds is "general interest and curiosity". I prefer to have 50 different chile varieties, rather than 50 plants of the most delicious variety.
Thanks, CD. If people decide to list and postCaneDog said:Great idea Paul. It's harder to find true seeds and would be great to confirm, bank, and share varieties along with sharing information.
Plus cool pic's too, of course
Some repeats from the 2020 season
just to provide some color to the pages
of text!