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Habanero Pina Hot Sauce

Hey ya'll, time to spin up another batch of habanero sauce....fo' no particular reason than to fill a just arrived case of 10 ounce woozie bottles.

About 30 habs
julienned carrots
apple cider vinegar
crushed pineapple
fresh lime juice
brown sugar
sea salt
fresh cracked black pepper

Slice and dice. Whack and hack. Whir and stir.


Pretty maids all in a row..


Triple rectifier burn with the beckoning allure of pina. Get it in ya'.

Cheers ya'll, TB.
imaguitargod said:
Hmmm, seems like it would be sweet and fruity.

The fruit and sweet are more in the background and compliment the sauce. The heat though..very nice. Like pulling a tube on the Marshall and sticking my tongue in the socket. Let there be rock!!

Cheers, TB.
I've a few requests for this last batch recipe so I'll do my best to reenact the crime as it unfolded.

In a large stock pot on low to medium heat..

2 TBs olive oil
2 TBs minced garlic
2 TBs minced shallot

Saute until shallots are clear.

Add 16 oz shredded carrots
Whir and stir, turn to low and cover.
Whir and stir till the carrots are about half done.

Add 1 1/2 cups apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
Juice of 5 limes
2 16oz cans of crushed pineapple with juice.
whir and stir. Bring the heat up and bring to a slow boil.

Add 30 halved orange habaneros pith and seeds included
whir and stir.
If needed add h2o. I did..1 cup.

Using an emulsion blender, I boat motored the concoction.
Remove from heat and add sea or kosher salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste. Standby for 100 watt burn.

Check consistencey. If thin, put back on the burner and reduce on low heat. If too thick, add h20.

I think thats it or extremely close.

Cheers, TB.
Thanks for posting this, TB. I made a batch a couple of days ago, with a few adjustments to suit my own taste; I left out the brown sugar and used half of a pineapple fruit. Very nice it is too; a sweet pineapple taste to start with followed by a nice burn.
LV your avatar always cracks me up! Felix the cat was my favorite cartoon as a kid.

I know you Aussie's like it hot so feel free to adapt that recipe to naga's! I'd love to hear how it comes out.

Cheers, TB,
First sauce I've made!

I've enjoyed reading your recipes on here, TB, so I gave it a shot. I used 10 habs and so made a 1/3rd-sized recipe.

I suspect that I added too much brown sugar as this sauce is VERY sweet. The burn is great, though. Very pleasing.

What would you suggest for uses for this sauce?

I made three bottles. I think I need to learn how to bottle sauce. I think more went out to the sink than went into the bottles. :-/

Thanks for posting the recipe! It was a fun-filled first foray into sauce making.

Good looking stuff matety. :D

smariotti said:
I made three bottles. I think I need to learn how to bottle sauce. I think more went out

Congrats on making sauce...it changes how ya think about hotsauces. :)

You pretty much have to have a funnel if yer using woozies.

I use an old Tupperware "hershey kiss" funnel I got from mom when she was a tupperware dealer..it't like 25yrs old, but does the job. The tip fits just right into the top of a 5oz woozie.

I just made this today. Instead of 30 habs. I used 12 orange habs, 6 Red Savina, 6 Caribbean Reds, 1 Trinidad Scorpion and 1 small Bhut Jolokia. Other than that, it was the same recipe. It's really good. You taste the pineapple for maybe 3/10th of a second, then the heat kicks in for about 10 minutes. A long 10 minutes! I'm guessing if I put it on some sort of food, instead of spoonfuls in my mouth, the 10 minutes wouldn't seem so long...


Thank you Texas Blues....
scarpetti said:
I just made this today. Instead of 30 habs. I used 12 orange habs, 6 Red Savina, 6 Caribbean Reds, 1 Trinidad Scorpion and 1 small Bhut Jolokia. Other than that, it was the same recipe. It's really good. You taste the pineapple for maybe 3/10th of a second, then the heat kicks in for about 10 minutes. A long 10 minutes! I'm guessing if I put it on some sort of food, instead of spoonfuls in my mouth, the 10 minutes wouldn't seem so long...

pictures go here

Thank you Texas Blues....

That sounds like a crazy hot sauce, has your tongue forgiven you. :P