seeds-germination Thai Hot Seeds Thanks to Mr. Spezzano - Spezzano's Market

In 2012, a butcher in a local shop gave me two pods from his stock.  They were slender orange or red pods (dried) which he said he had grown from pods brought to him by a friend from Asia.  The two pods were full of seeds and I have grown plants from them for the last three years.  They produced a pod much like a Thai Orange; a bright green when unripe, ripening to a light orange.  My butcher friend said that in forty plus years of making sausage, these were his favorite for spice.  Flavorful and spicy.  I agree.
Well, the seeds are about gone now.  I probably have a dozen left from the original 2012 gift.  But this past year, I grew and isolated a plant from the original seeds given to me.  No way to know for sure if these seeds are true or if they hybridized, but the plant was really, really isolated!  I have some packets of seeds from this plant now and I'll be happy to share them.  The only thing I ask is for feedback on the plants this coming season.  Of course I'll be planting some too.
PM me with your United States mailing address and I'll mail the seed packets to you.  I'll be eager to see what I get from mine and what you get from yours!  
Big Mike Brown
Hi Mike,

rghm1u20 asked for seeds, but he is in Romania. He and I exchange seeds back and forth, so if you would send seeds to me in SC, I will pass them on to him when I next mail him seeds.

I will PM my address.

Thank you very much Tom, pepper people are the best! :)  I talked some days before with AaronTT to forward me the seeds, probably he and Mike did the "transaction" already.
Thank you again, very kind of you!
See the beginning of this thread.  I had six original seeds of the landrace left this past summer.  I started them, got four plants, and took them to my farm where no other chile pepper plants are within five miles and produced a good number of pods.  Accordingly, I have true available seeds now for the landrace Thai Hot seeds which were originally provided to me by my butcher abour six years ago.  These are about as good in foods as I have ever had.
If any of you would like some, please PM me with your name and address and I will try and get them to you as soon as possible.  U.S. only.
Big Mike