indoor-growing Christmas harvest and the first harvest ever for me indoors!

Ahoy there! How turns your little planet?

Sorry for the late reply. Moving/renovations have kept me pretty busy lately, as was setting up the garden last month - and still working on both! I plan on dying in the new house because I abhor moving so much. Lol

I had to dismantle my indoor setup. I brought all the soil with me through, and they're filling extra pots outside. I now have about 65 pots and bins setup growing peppers with drip irrigation because I didn't have time to make raised beds yet. Most of the pepper seeds were from WHP, totalling 16 of his cultivars.

Here they all are (photo taken on July 5th):

It's amazing how much they've grown in just the two weeks since and things are getting a little crowded. I'm thinking perhaps I should have spaced them more.
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Helluva pepper patch! Shame about your little world, though. :'(
Yeah I cried a bit, considering it's been up for years with the same soil undisturbed all that time. Anyway, I'll be starting a new one; this time maybe using one of those Grassroots "Living Soil Raised Beds". I might even go for the 4X8 one. The workshop in the photo is huge, and already insulated, supplied with electricity, and has 2 drains. I plan on dividing the back of it into another room dedicated to growing and seed starting. I'll make it a bit more finished and extra-heavily insulated, with the walls lined with Mylar. I would be hard to live through the next Canadian winter without something alive I can visit everyday. But oh my... it's on my list of 1,000 other items I need to do before the snow comes. HELP! LOL
Yeah I cried a bit, considering it's been up for years with the same soil undisturbed all that time. Anyway, I'll be starting a new one; this time maybe using one of those Grassroots "Living Soil Raised Beds". I might even go for the 4X8 one. The workshop in the photo is huge, and already insulated, supplied with electricity, and has 2 drains. I plan on dividing the back of it into another room dedicated to growing and seed starting. I'll make it a bit more finished and extra-heavily insulated, with the walls lined with Mylar. I would be hard to live through the next Canadian winter without something alive I can visit everyday. But oh my... it's on my list of 1,000 other items I need to do before the snow comes. HELP! LOL

Subscribed! Can't wait to see that! Wife and I plan to design and build our forever house when daughter moves out on her own (:cry:); a fully-equipped growroom is high on the list of must-haves.

These are cool. I'd never seen them before. PVC not included is kinda lame, though. Maybe use EMT instead?

I know what you mean. I could do with a few clones myself.
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