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The 7th Annual Secret Satan - HAPPY FLAMIN' HOLIDAYS - Gift Exchange.


Staff Member
Happy Holidays to all and welcome to the 7th Annual Secret Satan - HAPPY FLAMIN' HOLIDAYS - Gift Exchange!


As always, the holiday season is a time for giving, sharing, and spending quality time with those closest to you. The Secret Satan gift exchange is an extension of that, which allows members from all over the globe to share and exchange pepper themed goodies with each other. Feel free to include other "non-spicy" items, but your gift should at least contain some of the spicy goods which, after all, have brought us all here to this community.

Thank you to all who have agreed to participate, this year's participants are listed below:

@Crazy Monkey
@Voodoo 6

Those listed above will be receiving a PM shortly with the Secret Satan they have been paired with. Please do not disclose your Secret Satan to anyone as the surprise is all part of the fun.

Let's Do This!

You may not be part of the exchange, but you will be! Usually when I am called into the "management office" it does not bode well, but this time Thank You!!!!

Cheers Boss, you are Summa Cum Laude, Thank You for bringing this wonderful community into existence!!!
We're off to a great start, thanks for the kind gesture Boss. :metal:

Everyone has their Secret Satan's details now, so please get your packages posted as soon as you're able. If this gets pushed out any further I'll have to change the thread title to "Happy Flamin' Easter" :rofl:

I have my package ready and hope to have it in the post by tomorrow afternoon.
Will post tomorrow thursday after the Carter trubute day. Got all the goodies ready to go...

edit- I messed up on the day the PO was closed. I though it was Wednesday, but it was Thursday.... Anyway- a package of heat is on the way!
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The heat has landed! From Shorerider DownUndah THANK YOU!!!

The package was packed superbly, each item in a plastic bag in case one broke in transit and wrapped in bubble wrap and peanuts. All arrived in good condition.

He even packed the TimTam biscuits inside the wine holder and a jar of (bbq rub?) in the stubby holder.
Skippy the Roo
wine and stubby holders
chocolate biscuits (already got into those! YUM!)
Crispy Chilli oil
Chilli Jam
bbq rub (spices, bit of sweet, salt)
assorted Aussie made hot sauces

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Awesome, I'm thankful everything arrived intact. I was worried that customs may have helped themselves to a few Tim Tams at first :rofl: . Try the Tim Tam slam if you haven't already, google it if you haven't heard of it. Skippy was an old Aussie TV show that featured a kangaroo named "Skippy", hence the name.

The Dry Rub is my own mix and is great on beef, chicken, pork, and even sprinkled on fries.

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Thanks SL, looks delicious. I'm glad you liked it. It's even better if you apply it to meat and let marinade for 24hrs.

To be honest, I give more of that rub away than I get to use myself. If I had sold what I've given away I'd be able to retire :rofl:
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OK! Let me tell you how this day panned out, I was out running errands when I get this message on my so called smart phone ring app, that shows, 2 men delivering a package on my porch, they are dressed in radiation suits, and are holding a package with giant tongs and carefully backing away...

I am like WTF.. so when I arrive home, I don my own radiation suit, phone the hazmat team to put them on standby, and open the package...

This is the magic of the undisputed Queen of the boiling cauldron of malice and fire! Salsalady!!!!!!

I am truly in your debt!!!! I will now be contacting the depends manufacture before I even attempt to try these spawns of the devils mother....

Mucho Cheers!!!!

P.S. I tried to eat the beads thinking they were candy and broke my tooth, nice touch!!! LOL!

Thanks for that story, VD6. I needed a laugh today.

I would put a 'Hazardous Contents' warning on these types of shipments, but USPS probably wouldn't deliver it. You know when you drop off a package to the USPS counter and they ask if there is anything "fragile, liquid, hazardous or flammable...."

I just look them in the eye and say "Nope. Nothing here."
If they only knew....

Candy chili pepper necklace! Great Idea! Take care of that tooth and enjoy!