labels-artwork Label Review

At my DoA agents request I submitted these for their review last week and haven't heard back. Does anyone see anything glaring here that I could get push back on? I'm running tight on some printing deadlines and while I 100% won't print something that isn't good to go, I'm just trying to get ahead of the curve.


  • Ouroboros-DawnState.png
    917.1 KB · Views: 40
  • Ouroboros-InfiniteHeat.png
    769.5 KB · Views: 39
  • Ouroboros-Renewal.png
    754.3 KB · Views: 31
  • Ouroboros-Unity.png
    921.2 KB · Views: 33
Hey man! I'll add a few notes, sure.

1. On your Unity sauce the heat scale icons blend into the design on the right. Maybe a white or muted white is a better color for all of them, as some others are hard to see as well.
2. You don't need to say MADE IN THE U.S.A when right above it it states it's manufactured in the USA (NY). I understand this is more of a marketing angle so you have the redundancy, but something looks off with the all caps statement here. Perhaps one of those little made in USA logos with the flag. Would fit nicely here.

That image is available here.
3. If you click the first image in this post and then use the arrow to navigate though all 4 images, you will see the nutrition box jump on Dawn State meaning it is not in the same place as the others. This is minor.
4. The gold of your logo and text on the front needs to be brighter! Bling! Like, on Unity where it says the sauce flavor, it's hard to read. It needs to POP!
5. Is it Ourorboros Hot Sauce (as on back) or Ouroboros Fermented Hot Sauce (as on front)? I understand you want to highlight fermented so this is actually okay. You might want to make fermented a slightly different color or weight so it stands out, and then Ouroboros Hot Sauce is one style, and fermented is another style, serving as a differentiator. If you ever do a non-fermented sauce it won't look odd with it missing.
6. I don't like the company name back bottom in all caps. Just a preference.
7. Last, is the circle of the dragon supposed to line up with the circle in the background of Unity? There's definitely more mass to the left. However I imagine this is more organic and to me it looks good but just checking.

I didn't look at the nutrition label or ingredients. But hope this helps!

I think they look awesome.
Appreciate your feedback!

I definitely overlooked the Unity scale... this is why we have another set of eyes check our stuff. Thank you!

Thanks for linking that image as well.

It's funny you caught the nutrition box being off on one of them. I noticed that and already fixed it the day I uploaded these but I honestly didn't think anyone would notice haha. Good catch.

The gold is actually going to be foil so it will indeed pop and stand out.

The LLC doesn't contain "fermented" but currently all the brands are fermented and I wanted to feature that for sure. If you're going to take all that time and care I think you should tell the consumers you did just that.

The all caps was from another regional sauce co, that's how they had it so if it passed inspection for them I figured I'd be safe.

The logo lining up with the The Unity background honestly wasn't intentional and I also see that little deviation from center and while it drove me nuts for a week or so I'm over it. haha.

Oh and the DoA rep did get back to me since posting this and said they were good to go as far as required information!

Thanks again!
Hey man! I'll add a few notes, sure.

1. On your Unity sauce the heat scale icons blend into the design on the right. Maybe a white or muted white is a better color for all of them, as some others are hard to see as well.
2. You don't need to say MADE IN THE U.S.A when right above it it states it's manufactured in the USA (NY). I understand this is more of a marketing angle so you have the redundancy, but something looks off with the all caps statement here. Perhaps one of those little made in USA logos with the flag. Would fit nicely here.

That image is available here.
3. If you click the first image in this post and then use the arrow to navigate though all 4 images, you will see the nutrition box jump on Dawn State meaning it is not in the same place as the others. This is minor.
4. The gold of your logo and text on the front needs to be brighter! Bling! Like, on Unity where it says the sauce flavor, it's hard to read. It needs to POP!
5. Is it Ourorboros Hot Sauce (as on back) or Ouroboros Fermented Hot Sauce (as on front)? I understand you want to highlight fermented so this is actually okay. You might want to make fermented a slightly different color or weight so it stands out, and then Ouroboros Hot Sauce is one style, and fermented is another style, serving as a differentiator. If you ever do a non-fermented sauce it won't look odd with it missing.
6. I don't like the company name back bottom in all caps. Just a preference.
7. Last, is the circle of the dragon supposed to line up with the circle in the background of Unity? There's definitely more mass to the left. However I imagine this is more organic and to me it looks good but just checking.

I didn't look at the nutrition label or ingredients. But hope this helps!

I think they look awesome.
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Glad you said foil that's why I said Bling! That will be awesome man!

Yeah I tend to see the small details no one sees lol.

PS. I looked at the ingredients and you have a spacing issue. You need a space after the word Brine and before the ( on all labels. It looks like this now: Brine(

One by one:

Dawn State: Capitalize Peppers. Do you want to say Mandarin Oranges instead of just Mandarins?
Infinite Heat: good
Renewal: good
Unity: This is the messiest one. Okay so capitalize Peppers in all instances. Also you say Bell pepper not peppers here. For the sake of continuity with the rest of peppers, plural, and capitalize. Peppers. Also pineapple what? Fresh pineapple? Pineapple juice, or flavor? If it's canned yeah great you can just say Pineapple but you may want to check if you need to include the concentrate in parenthesis if it is in juice, unless it is pure juice. And Poblano what? Just says Poblano. Same with Jalapeno. I assume Poblano Peppers, Jalapeno Peppers would be correct. Lastly, you need a comma after Poblano (or when you add Peppers). I see why you had issues here. Lack of space and you are trying not to drop to a third line.

Side note: It's always good to point out fresh ingredients especially where others don't use fresh. Not sure if you do but I'll use Fresh Lime Juice as an example.

Best of luck!
If space is the actual issue just list all peppers as plural without saying peppers. Jalapenos, Habaneros, Poblanos. Except for Bell, and put Bell Peppers (or keep Pepper as your have it since it does not need to match now). Do this on all labels but it should fix the spacing on the one with issues.