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pubescens Rocoto X Wilds

Experimenting crossing my Variegated Rocoto with a couple of wilds. Unfortunately my Eximium didn't survive to do the full wilds.
1&2 Cardenasii looks successful
3,4 & 5 Eshbaughnasii early stages to say.
6-7 my Variegated Rocoto.
Any thoughts?
Anyone know how I get hold of C. Geminifolium in the UK?
The next couple generations should be real interesting! I can’t wait to see what you get. You might have to grow out out a hundred of each in the f2 lol
The next couple generations should be real interesting! I can’t wait to see what you get. You might have to grow out out a hundred of each in the f2 lol
Yes I get that at F2. I'll be asking for help at F2. I also have other F1 crosses with the Variegated Rocoto that I'll be asking for help to find as many phenos as possible.
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What are your goals? Variegation in all related species? I’m assuming it’s a recessive trait. With a single gene 25% would be variegated