For those of us who grow chiles or anything else for that matter as a hobby and are married having a supportive spouse is important. Well I just found out my wife is not really all that supportive of my only hobby I have left. Twice today she has belittled me and my gardening. More specifically she called my Earthboxes "tacky" and insinuated that she no longer wants them around. All this past winter she tried to convince me to grass seed over my little in ground garden plot in the back yard so "we" can buy a play set for our 3 year old. I think she is pretty much embarassed that I garden. I have given up all of my other hobbies that kept me away from the house so I could spend more time at home with her and the kid. So after this season is over I'm done. It's hard to continue gardening when your other half belittles, is embarrassed, and sarcastically questions everything you do in your hobby. So I will continue to visit this site and give encouragement and praise but I will just have to live vicariously through yall.