propogating-cloning Cloning

I understand that cloning chillies via stem cuttings is relatively easy. I was wondering if anyone has tried leaf-bud cuttings for cloning purposes as they can yield higher clone numbers per cutting? I was thinking of trying to up the numbers of my seed germination challenged varieties this way to boost numbers.

I'd say it's relatively difficult. I have no problem with tomatoes and basil but peppers take forever if they form roots at all. Never tried anything other than stem cuttings though. My method now is 3-4 cuts in a small jar of water in a shady location. It's taken 4 weeks to get bumps. You could probably get more seeds going in that time. Please keep us posted.
Cloning is awesome for getting consitently true varieties. But if you've mastered it. Took a two inch long cutting that had two leaves and stuck it in a pot with soil. It's still alive after two months. So i guess i've managed to clone something. Even if it was just fornthe heck of it.
I clone all the time in hydro with > 90% success rate. I clone axillary stems and branches both with the same success.
A common and functional but rather inefficient method is the twig in water method. I have cloned a couple of pepper plants that way and found that roots seem to appear after 2-3weeks if the stem is kept submerged and in the dark. I use a piece of cardboard to fixate the branch and then a rubber band to fix it to a opaque cup. Just chenge the water every three days or so.
I'm going to be doing this in the coming weeks with a DIY setup that uses an ultrasonic fogger in a 5 gallon Rubbermaid tub. We'll see how it goes.
If you search DIY e-z cloner you will be able to find Rubbermaid container airo/hydro cloners that work really well.
I've never needed to clone because seeds are so cheap. I mean you can order 15-20 seeds for a few bucks why bother? Even the more expensive seeds like Bhut are still very affordable.
I did quite a few clones last year with probably an 80% success rate. Although it takes awhile to form roots I find that the plant actually grows quicker. I used rockwool cubes and clonex gel for mine. With soil you would want it to be sterile where as rockwool already is and holds the water well.
Cloning is a great method of keeping your plant's genetics. cloning gels are wonderful, but why bother with chiles? the right conditions will make them root in less than a week. I do mine in rockwool cubes. I used cloning with some of my less stable crosses and even some chiles I didn't have any more seeds of and wanted to keep them going. a cutting off a fully grown plant will grow FAST. REALLY FAST, AND it'll flower right away. might wanna use Clonex at first, but just to make sure it works. later on it just isn't worth it.
You might just have to order some off the internet. Might be a bt pricey with shipping though

yeah, that's the pRoblem. another problem is the post office employees might wanna steal my stuff. like the seeds that get sent to me, they never arrive.
I've never needed to clone because seeds are so cheap. I mean you can order 15-20 seeds for a few bucks why bother? Even the more expensive seeds like Bhut are still very affordable.

Genetics and surprises, at least that's why I'm trying it this year (see end of my grow thread). Really short season in northern IL and it sucks to think you're growing one thing and end up with something else. All my scotch bonnets this year ended up being orange habs and I had some plants (chocolate habs come to mind) that were just genetically weak. Plus I need something to occupy my time over the winter :lol: