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seeds Oven germination.

I'm fairly certain that someone "up there" doesn't want me to grow chiles this year.

About a month ago a problem caused by inexperience wiped out all but four of my plants (two bhuts, a fatalii and a thai hot). After sending the majority of my left-over seeds to another forum member who was also just getting started, all I had left to germinate were about 25 bhuts, fataliis, chile de ratas and thais. Ever the optimist, I started over germinating them in the oven in a couple dozen plastic shot glasses (similar to the cup method discussed in this thread), even though I was already behind on the season.

My girlfriend and my roommate had been great about remembering to remove the tray containing the seeds before using the oven. Until today. Just a few days before I was going to put most of them in soil. My girlfriend turned the oven up to 400 to heat some chicken tenders and neglected to remove my seeds - the whole house still smells like burnt plastic.


So, this has been pretty discouraging. Anyone else feel like sharing tales of disaster so I don't feel quite as stupid?
I'm not eating that!

I've done some not so bright things in my life but I don't remember any of them so I'm afraid I can't share in your misery. :lol:

Nick I feel for ya buddy. If you still have time I can send you a few seeds to get started again. Send me a PM if you're interested.
So, this has been pretty discouraging. Anyone else feel like sharing tales of disaster so I don't feel quite as stupid?
Wow, sorry to hear about your doublewhammy of bad luck this year. If it's any consolation i've forgotten stuff that didn't belong in the oven, only to remember the hard way that tupperware doesn't take the heat well.

Just today i left a 72 cell styrofoam tray, filled with rarer european C.Annuum seedlings, teetering on a ledge while i went inside to grab a drink of water. I came back outside and noticed wind gusts, went into the backyard to see the entire tray flipped over and dumped completely. The seedlings and potting soil were all over the lawn. It was tedious picking those little suckers out, they were well camouflaged. I'm glad that i planted two per cell on most of them, because i was able to fill up 72 cells with healthy looking singles. Didn't turn out as bad as i thought it would. I did water the lawn to see if any more would poke their little heads out, i'll look for more tomorrow morning.

Better luck though on your next go around, remember you can always order live plants from ChilePlants.com or Burpee.com to give you a head start. ChilePlants carries some of the rarer ones.
I'm not eating that!

I've done some not so bright things in my life but I don't remember any of them so I'm afraid I can't share in your misery. :lol:

Nick I feel for ya buddy. If you still have time I can send you a few seeds to get started again. Send me a PM if you're interested.

Yeah, we're using the grill for dinner tonight. :)

I've been trying to determine all day whether I can try to start from seed again. Four plants out of 80 seeds is a pretty miserable performance, even for a first-time grower. I've spent a large portion of today just being mopey, haha. On the upside, while I was bringing the survivors inside today (brought them out for a bit of sun) I noticed an opportunist pepper had germinated in one of the bhut's pots. I don't know how this happened, since I didn't recycle any containers or soil, but he's there. I'm curious about what kind of pepper it is; fingers crossed for de rata, because none of those survived germination.

I'll send you a PM in just a minute. Thank you so much for the generosity.

Jetchuka said:
Just today i left a 72 cell styrofoam tray, filled with rarer european C.Annuum seedlings, teetering on a ledge while i went inside to grab a drink of water. I came back outside and noticed wind gusts, went into the backyard to see the entire tray flipped over and dumped completely. The seedlings and potting soil were all over the lawn. It was tedious picking those little suckers out, they were well camouflaged. I'm glad that i planted two per cell on most of them, because i was able to fill up 72 cells with healthy looking singles. Didn't turn out as bad as i thought it would. I did water the lawn to see if any more would poke their little heads out, i'll look for more tomorrow morning.

Yikes, man. That is some rough luck. Glad you were able to recover most of them, though.
Alright!!! Cupcakes....oh, wait a minute. Yikes man, that kind of sucks. We've all made stupid mistakes before. Just laugh it off and start a new day with a smile. If I had a penny for every dumb thing I've done...well, you get the rest. ;)
That sucks bro! If it helps any, I lost all my Butch T's to greenhouse malfunction (malfunction is that I wasn't there to open vents). It's only through help of the people on this forum and dumb mistakes I've made and learned from that I've had any success so use it and be better for it next go 'round. If I can help with seeds or anything let me know.
That's terrible, I would have cried not just the loss or hard work but the anticipation, planning, and expectation :(

I germinated my seeds in the oven "thought I was the only one" I didn't have that problem thankfully but I'm sure I'll have loss due to some other great idea "I'm new and playing it by ear" :D my next challenge is getting the peppers fed properly without spending a fortune on chemicals, I fear this will be my down fall.

Plant some more and plan for next season :D