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Schultz's Insecticidal Soap crisping my plants!

Last week I thought I saw the beginnings of what I thought was spider mite on a couple of my peppers so I got some of this Schultz's Insecticidal Soap... to take care of them...
It may have just been a drier plant and a few small flecks of dirt but it could have been spider mite even though I regularly mist the leaves with distilled water a couple of them were looking like it could be the begging of spider mites... no web though... I am pretty sure some of the house plants I have, do have spider mite even though they are doing well and show now signs.

Anyway I digress....

I sprayed the plants down good with Schultz's Insecticidal Soap and let them be... and maybe 5 or 6 hours later I noticed the leaves started to wilt... they were not anywhere near the sun but under a regular household fluorescent light...

I gave them a good washing after that and they seem to be doing better now but a lot of the leaves appear blotchy, burned and several fell off... at least it doesn't look like it damaged any of the sprouting leaves that look like they are starting to come out so maybe they will spring back better than before now that a lot of the bigger leaves are gone.. I've removed the really bad ones but left some of the still soft but curled leaves and the blotchy ones for now...

Should I clip off the blotchy ones too or leave them be for now? They aren't really curling up or feel like they are going to fall off yet...

The plants do seem to wilt a bit more now if I run the light much more than 6 hours and let the soil move into a normally comfortable level of moisture .... the plants seem to want a bit less light right now and a bit more water....

When I watered them down good (so it ran out the bottom) ,reduced the light exposure a bit to around 6-8 hours and they seem to be doing a lot better now.... it is weird... people keep saying not to water much but I water mine down real well every couple days in the clay pots and maybe add another day or two for the ones in the non clay pots and they seem fine... I guess they do drain well enough and the soil isn't rotting... I think clay pots breath better and help fight the root rot better than plastic even when these were seedlings they seemed to do better when the soil was a bit more on the moist side.

So my question is how do you apply this "safe soap" insecticide stuff without killing the plant, it is supposed to be safe on all sorts of plants.... but anything but real thick leaf plants don't do well with it...

I don't think I'll use it again, but what should I use if I do actually get a bit of the spider mite... they can get bad really quick

Here is a link to some of the damage.. I'd say about 5 or 6 leaves off each plant have already fallen off but the rest don't seem too bad... but it didn't go well with them
I tend to think lots of people kill their stuff with tender loving care, I got rid of white flies by putting my oregano in the outside fridge for about 6 hours. I read low 40s high 30s kills white flies and their eggs/larvae, it worked.

Idea: portable fridge to place over outside plants tah kill vermin ....
I use Neem oil for spider mites. Sometimes malathion if it gets bad and it's not close to harvest. You can also buy praying mantis eggs or spider mite predator eggs (apparently these don't have a common name, they're just called spider mite predators).

I've used the Schultzs insecticidal soap and never noticed any negative effects though.
Last week I got some of this Schultz's Insecticidal Soap... to take care of them... leaves started to wilt... how do you apply this "safe soap" insecticide stuff

I don't think I'll use it again,
I'll post a pic of the post spray damage later on tonight
OUCH...that sucks dude. Try cutting back, move into low light conditions, flushing or re-pot, never use again! lol Spider mites on peppers?! Weird. Never had that before. I like pyrethrins based sprays, you can make your own. Don't give up dude! :)
I did note the larger, older leaves were not as hard hit on the bigger plants, but they still did get a bit of spotting, the smaller pants are the worst hit... then again they are only about 3 or 4 inches tall or so..

I sprayed the stuff on a vine plant I have too and it is okayish... but looks a bit wilted... so I think it is a bit harsh

These plants are all in my condo so how would getting the spider mite predators work... would they migrate or just stay on the infected plants?

Couldn't do the praying mantis though... my cat would have a nice snack on them.... (kind of like this )
The cat freaks out on moths and flies when they get in the place in the summer... soooo... the mantis probably wouldn't last long... when some lady bugs got in the house they didn't last long either.... the cat didn't eat them but pawed them to death

I use Neem oil for spider mites. Sometimes malathion if it gets bad and it's not close to harvest. You can also buy praying mantis eggs or spider mite predator eggs (apparently these don't have a common name, they're just called spider mite predators).

I've used the Schultzs insecticidal soap and never noticed any negative effects though.
I think that Schults stuff was a combo of pyrethrin, some oil and a soap or something... maybe I was supposed to shake the hell out of it before I used it... I did swirl it around a bit though....

It may not be spider mite but the signs were there and I don't have a magnifying glass to get a closer look... but it did look similar to what I had on some decorative palm plants a few years ago.. just without the fine web like stuff under the leaves this time...

It could be fertilizer burn too but I had not used it for several days before I saw this and it was a diluted liquid and doesn't really appear like too much fert...

guess I'll see how they go

OUCH...that sucks dude. Try cutting back, move into low light conditions, flushing or re-pot, never use again! lol Spider mites on peppers?! Weird. Never had that before. I like pyrethrins based sprays, you can make your own. Don't give up dude! :)
I have to say after clipping off the leaves that were withering away and flushing the soil with distilled water.... while the soil was soaking wet for a day or so, it seemed to give them a bit more life.... and is back to normal moisture levels almost...

Below is the pictures after the spray but before I pruned them back a bit and flushed the soil...

In a few more days I might take a few more of how they are doing now...

Looks like a bit of a set back but all I lost was most of the spare junk seedlings that I never intended to grow as serious plants anyway... I might get 4 or 5 of those to live... but they were the surplus seeds that spouted that I never thought would... and just come from supermarket habs and scotch bonnets anyway...
Ok.. I had a little time so I'll post the pictures here... I added the link to the pictures in the original post as well.

Here is some damage to a vine plant I have.. the back went a little stippled and the leaves are curling in



Now the peppers... one seems almost untouched by the stuff..



The rest didn't quite get off so easy






Well... it seems the peppers are coming back... about 3 weeks after the spray incident they are starting to look pretty good again... I'm going to have to re-pot the smaller clay pots and get some new ones... I am finding they seem to do better in clay... at least indoors... perhaps they will dry out a bit too quickly if and when I put them out... but with bigger pots they'll be ok.

The little seedlings I had in a big bunch didn't fair so well... I think I got maybe 6 of them of something like 30 that were all in the one container I had... I wasn't worried about them though.. I was only testing to see what they would be like all jammed together in a single pot... they were fine until the spray... now they are just starting over in an ice cream tub

The 5 larger ones I do have bunched up in the one blue container are starting to do well.. one has really taken off and the rest are starting to catch up... and the one I had in the brown square asian design container I moved into the largest clay pot as it had the thickets stem and was kind of wilting in the painted square container... in the clay pot, I clipped the lower leaves off and sunk it a bit lower than I normally would but, 2 days later it is doing better ... the pot is 5 sizes too big... but it will grow into it

I have a fan on them for about 4 or 5 hours a day now too and they seem to tolerate it ok... I dunno how well they would like full sun most of the day though... I had to prune off most of the damaged leaves.. so they aren't as bushy as they would have been... but I guess that will come in time

Here are a couple shots of them tonight.... the pictures kind of suck (florescent lights make them look lime green with the flash on (you really can see when I shut the flash off on the one plant) they are good enough for a progress update anyway... and yes.. they are still under the plain old fluorescent light on my kitchen counter... I don't want to fry them on my balcony during the day (full sun about 8 hours of the day in most parts of it unless I get creative with the placement... plus it still gets down to 10C (50F) at night on occasion here too... so I don't know how well they would like it going from 75-80F since seed to that kind of thing.. and then into the 90's on my balcony during the day .... maybe in another few weeks and I'll see how they tolerate an hour or two here and there.... I definitely need to get some more medium size pots though... they aren't root bound yet but in a few weeks they may be getting that way...






