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my peter is shriveled

my red peter seedling is shriveled and turning yellow can any one tell me why.

Oh no! I think it might be from overwatering. The roots might have rotted.


I'm not sure if transplanting it into soil that isn't so wet would help, but that is what I would try.
I think it's overwatering or over fertilize, soil can be deceiving you can see the top dry but the bottom will always be damp. try to lessen the watering cycle, 4 or 7 day, maybe it will help. CMIIW
I had a similar thing happen...I dug mine up and carefully rinsed the roots and repotted with a better draining mix. Worked for all but one of my plants that was in trouble. It doesn't look as bad as yours, but its not recovering??? My problem was after I moved my seedlings from the indoor grow area to the greenhouse they wilted a bit from the shock, and I mistook that for thirsty, lesson learned. The rest perked up and are taking off. I now have a moisture meter. If you choose to rinse and repot do it carefully and pay attention to root color. If you notice any brown spots clip them out to prevent the rot from spreading. Make sure everything you use that will touch the roots is well sanitized including you hands...and re-sanitize between plants. Luckily its an annuum and should germ and grow quickly. I would plant a backup if you still have seeds, and if you end up with extras then you have a gift for a friend!
one word V-I-A-G-R-A
Yeah...usually works for shriveled peters, but in the rare instance that it is ineffective...the person really needing the peter has no other option but to get them a new peter that will grow straight, tall and put out for them...
I heard proxide takes care of root rot but someone that knows about this needs to back me up cause *i only heard it*
also it could be what there saying over watering or over fert :(. I hope you fix your plant.
Terrible of us all to make fun of wrightdaddy's shriveled peter...
seriously I hope it recovers, but it looks like its pretty far gone to me. I lost a few a while back because I didn't get home in time to open up the greenhouse. So I feel your pain.
I read something about dipping the roots too. I don't remember what the ratio was though...
There is always hope, I had a bishop's crown that shriveled up right in the middle of a whole tray of plants that were thriving??? I was bottom watering all of them, and they were all under the same lights...It wasn't yellow, the leaves dried out and looked almost crispy and it toppled over. I thought it was dead, but I rinsed and repotted and it recovered! They are survivors so there is always a chance...
thank you all for your help ill be backing off the water. Im not to disapointed from what ive read here peters dont taste all that great. :rofl: I have enough plants to keep me busy this year maybe I will try again next year.
thank you all for your help ill be backing off the water. Im not to disapointed from what ive read here peters dont taste all that great. :rofl: I have enough plants to keep me busy this year maybe I will try again next year.
Still worth it though too find out whats wrong so you wont do it to the plants that matter :D. sad petter pipper pickle pepper though.
I heard proxide takes care of root rot but someone that knows about this needs to back me up cause *i only heard it*
also it could be what there saying over watering or over fert :(. I hope you fix your plant.

PEroxide will take care of some root rot/mold issues. Here's an excellent article on peroxide and it's uses in horticulture. http://www.google.co...oHxjOLw&cad=rja OP you can scroll down and find out how to hopefully save your plant. Good luck.
Chances are you will only need to water it every week or longer btw. My first batch of bhuts were growing great when they were in my room, then i started putting them outside and once I put them outside permanently but in a pot my roommate almost killed them by watering them everyday. Had to move them to a friends house, but they bounced back and are doing great. for the most part dont let the soil completely dry out as the loam will then repel water but get it close before watering again. They really do prefer dry. Heck i have some mystery pepper seed that I thought were not going to pop and a few weeks after forgetting about them and the soil completely dried out you can imagine my surprise when I notice a couple of pepper plants popping out.

As for your plant though, the stem looks ok, looks like another leaf its coming out, pretty sure if you dry up its feet theres a good chance of it recovering.