plant-care Full sun or partial sun?

if the full sun seems too much for them please provide some shade ( like a screen or tarp )

i was told that c. pubescens grow under and up into those avocado trees
in michoacan mexico

they ( the pickers ) get in under the 'umbrella' and look up to find when they are ripe ( maduro )
they ( the pubes ) are a chili that seems to do better with partial shade for me

Im from canada, and have found a place to grow this year with what will eventually be like 18 hrs of hard sun. my thoughts were that it'd help keep the soil temps higher than most areas. Now im having second thoughts. I guess ill have to just find out for myself this year. i better start sourcing out some mulch to keep some moisture around. This is a good thread, and ill be following it
If you already had them in a raised bed with full sun all day, why did you post the thread?

You say full sun is only option, guess it is what it is.

I planted those about 6 hours after I started this thread nub. Here's an update 24 hrs after transplant. Threw in some other stuff growing around the yard.

Tomatoes and peppers.

Tomatoes, peppers, and purple carrots, shout out to NTZ and 23.




Pink lemonade lemon



Meyer lemon
So it's generally not recommended to have 12 hours of sunlight? (6am to 6pm, avg 32c) I'm ready to do chinense varieties and had the impression that (after harderning) the plant would grow fast.. or is 12 hours just too much?
Update...sunup to sundown full exposure.



Aji limon bloom...


Feijoa bloom...

Cherry tomato...


Spaghetti squash and red onion...

So it's generally not recommended to have 12 hours of sunlight? (6am to 6pm, avg 32c) I'm ready to do chinense varieties and had the impression that (after harderning) the plant would grow fast.. or is 12 hours just too much?
Up to 20 hours/day is fine, but if the sun is too hot you likely want some shade
so no matter how much we harden this plant, it cannot take excessive heat? light is good for the plant, but not too much heat?

kiddc, have you tried actually giving full sun -- say 10-12 hours.... have you seen bad turnouts?

perhaps i gotta work out a spot to do half day of sun? haha i keep wanting to give the plant the optimal.

welcome to THP.

The outcome of full sun is the plants are stunted and some appeared to be burnt. But our local birds eye and cabai do not suffer the same fate.

I've found that half day of sun is best for seeds that not local.
Many thanks for your welcome and output. I hope to trade seeds with you soon. I still have some fatali seeds from long ago but I'm not very sure if they are still any good. Hopefully my gibberellic acid can revive them. I hope you have fresh fatali fruits.

In any case, I can place the plant on one side of the house or the other then.. so now to decide which is more ideal. To provide it morning sun or evening sun. What do you think? It should be related to the time I water the plant, right? If I water early morning, then it should have the morning sun.. and it should have the evening sun only if i water noon time. Is that good logic?
yes, i do agree with you. You should situate the plants to receive morning sun. morning sun tends to be not as hot as evening scorchers.
Do you water your plants daily?

I do not have fresh fatalii fruits at the moment, fresh out of them! I have some goronongs and red habs coming along though, i havent really start my season this year yet.

Which parts of Malaysia are you staying?
miri, sarawak.

i'll water them daily if i must. in any case, typically our climate, how long does it take for your plant to begin fruiting from time of say seedling?
Annums = some fruit a little over 1.5 month and Chinenses at 3 months.

I think Srin is in Sarawak now, but hes not active in THP. Drop him a message.
Florida sun is more brutal than most of the rest of the country. As you know the closer to the equator, the more intense the sun is (has something to do with atmospheric diffraction, or something like that which makes it less intense for you northern folks).

Thanks to an oak tree, in my main garden they are spared from about 11 - 5.

My other garden gets full sun until about 2, and then is in the shade the rest of the day.

The third garden going in, gets nothing until about 2.

10-4 is the most intense time here in Fl.
So it's generally not recommended to have 12 hours of sunlight? (6am to 6pm, avg 32c) I'm ready to do chinense varieties and had the impression that (after harderning) the plant would grow fast.. or is 12 hours just too much?
12 hours may or may not be too much, but Im not sure there is any universe where chinenses "grow fast"