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Hello everybody I have been growing in a single dwc 5 gallon bucket and lately I have been getting mold or alge.

I have changed out my water a week and a half ago and also I have cleaned the bucket with soap and water. My water temp is always between 70 and 80. So how can I stop this madness?
Clean weekly, more oxygen and try to shade the bucket. It's dose not take long for the temperature of a black bucket in direct sunlight to get warm.

For shading:

Consider a small tarp or reflective insulated material on the bucket. ( like the stuff you see on the inside of a soft side cooler )
I have a green bucket from Menards an I have it wrapped in HVAC tape. Before it was wrapped the water was in the 90s

What else is there that I could do to get rid of this madness!?
i had the same problem i was using a semi transparent tote. went to a solid tote and am outdoors now with no problem. prop your lid and plant up between lawn chairs or something similiar and rinse the roots with a garden hose and agood nozzle and it will wash right off.
I'm not currently using any type of tote. Just the HVAC tape. And mike I was able to get off the alge with your idea. For now I'll use thy idea till I can get some money for other products.