disease-pests Aphid Antidote

To keep aphids and other pests off your goodies, Mix up a batch of this amazing antidote

1 Small onion (Chopped Finely)
2 medium cloves of Garlic (Chopped Finely)
1 Tablespoon of LIQUID dish soap
2 cups of water

Put all of the ingredients in a blender, blend on high, and then strain out the pump..
Pour the liquid into a handheld mist sprayer, and apply LIBERALLY to stop any Aphid Trouble.

Give it a shot, got this recipe out of a Green Gardening book! Good stuff!
I can atest to the ability of this amazing concoction!

I had aphids showing up on my best looking plant and I thought it was all over until I remembered I saw this post. This juice got rid of them the same day and there have been no more signs of them since!

Highly recommend (just don't spray it indoors.. it's really smelly)
Let the mixture sit for a while, dd not put on plant immedialety. Also do not add the dishwasher soap before putting in the mixer, add it after the other ingredients have been blended.
I use similar mixtures as part of my rotating arsenal, but the only thing that really works for me indoors in the winter/spring are natural predators like ladybugs. Fortunately I never have aphid problems outdoors.
Ever tried a couple of cups of chopped tomato leaves soaked in water for two days? Apparently contain alkanoids which are toxic to aphids but not predatots of aphid, supposed to add a tblespoon of liquid soap and voila
if you will make sure you don't have ants around your plants, you will go a long way towards preventing aphids from appearing....I know aphids fly, but every time this year I have had a little outbreak of aphids on my plants, ants have been there before the aphids...

the soap and water is doing most of the work in this concoction...the soap stops up the pores on the aphids preventing them from breathing and essentially suffocating to death...
Let the mixture sit for a while, dd not put on plant immedialety. Also do not add the dishwasher soap before putting in the mixer, add it after the other ingredients have been blended.

I definitely learned this one.. I thought it was a bad idea, but I added the soap before blending. It took about 2 hours to wait for all the bubbles to pop
I think AJ has hit the most important point. Prevent ants and you will have no aphids. I am battling aphids, did the soap thing, the ladybug thing....nothing. Next shot is chemicals on the plants and different chemicals on the ground, one for the aphids one for the ants.

Organic is good IF it works.
treating the ants will really help.. as you all have seen on this forum, the ants farm the aphids. i find the ant gel works the best.. its loaded with sugars that the ants that farm the aphids love. fire ant and other ant treatments dont seem to work as well..
if you will make sure you don't have ants around your plants, you will go a long way towards preventing aphids from appearing....I know aphids fly, but every time this year I have had a little outbreak of aphids on my plants, ants have been there before the aphids...

the soap and water is doing most of the work in this concoction...the soap stops up the pores on the aphids preventing them from breathing and essentially suffocating to death...
You sir have just been reported to PETA/2 ( People for the Ethical Treatment of Aphids.)