Offering up a free box of pods to the first person to guess a # between 1-50. Rules are....
1. No past winners
2. No vendors (sorry,hoping for a new member to be bitten)
3. Lower 48 states... If you are not in lower 48 do not guess numbers to be funny.
4. Guess ONE # only and wait to be contacted.
5. Contest ends at 3PM on 8/28/12. If nobody guesses the # then closest guess wins the prize. In case of a tie,both participants get a box.
1. No past winners
2. No vendors (sorry,hoping for a new member to be bitten)
3. Lower 48 states... If you are not in lower 48 do not guess numbers to be funny.
4. Guess ONE # only and wait to be contacted.
5. Contest ends at 3PM on 8/28/12. If nobody guesses the # then closest guess wins the prize. In case of a tie,both participants get a box.