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indoor Growing indoors

Who can point me to the quintessential info on overwintering here? I overwintered a bhut plant last year and now have several super hots I just brought it. Can someone find a great old thread or something to help?
The search function should give you a good results. There is a sticky too.

Are you just over wintering or growing them in the winter? there is a difference.
I do better with Google. I enter thehotpepper then whatever I am searching for. Seems more useful than the forum's search function.
Well I brought 5 superhots in last week before the freeze. One is a 2 year old bhut and the others are 2 bhuts together in a recycle bin, 1 Butch T that hasn't produced yet and 1 seven pot Barrackpore that is even further behind. They have all been in these pots all season on cement. I can't believe the 2 didn't produce yet. Those two are still smallish and have lots of buds and are so cute I hate to cut them back! The bhuts will be pruned as soon as I can, since I have been sick this week. My house is very cool in winter, especially the basement and that has always been my main concern. My mom overwintered my bhut in her house last year but we never cut it back. Yes it had bad aphids but survived to go back outside in a bigger pot with new soil in spring.
I think they should do okay, esp if you can give them some light if you have them in the basement.. I plan on doing the same thing except i am going to trim mine way down and not mess with the root mass and try to keep them alive until spring.
Here are my pics. I haven't quite got the lights up like usual but will any day now. I did trim the plants back yesterday.

The Butch T on left and 7 Pot on right and a fat cat that chews on the leaves. I didn't trim them because they haven't fruited yet but have lots of flowers. Not sure what to do.

Closeup of the two this year's Bhuts in a recycle bin.


2 year old Bhut in front in green pot. There were very few leaves on it so I trimmed back in a way that left some leaves. I am not sure how I did.


Whole area as it is now.