show-off Pics of your apartment balcony/indoor setup?

Dang, do you guys with the indoor set ups have energy bills that are through the roof?

My electric is included in my rent. My hid is 400 watt and should raise it 20 too 30 a month. I'm curious about the 600 watt tho. Been thinking about buying one and kicking the landlord a few extra bucks on the bill.
I only noticed a small $20-30 increase too running a total of four 2 Foot 4 Tube T5 Lights. That's a total of 16 2' T5 bulbs running for 10 hours a day. They are very energy efficient.

I was looking into those too. Was looking at one of those 4 ft 8 tube quantum bad boys. Lol... Figure go big our go home!
Just now saw this! I'm happy to share my setup, although keep in mind I'm still a noob.

I start the plants under a t5, then harden them off on the balcony. My balcony doesn't get full sunlight. Since it faces west it only gets afternoon sun, and some hills and trees block part of that. A few will stay on the balcony forever, most will move to my community garden plot.

Grow light that is hanging from my ceiling with toggle bolts and chains, and have my plants on the top shelf of a bookshelf.

Crappy map of my balcony showing which parts get the most sun to least. It isn't exactly to scale, but should give you a basic idea. The more yellow it is, the more direct afternoon sunlight it gets.

Best I could do for a shot of the parts relevant to pepper growing:

The initial hardening off section, a table in center of my balcony that mostly gets dappled and indirect light:

The top two levels of the final hardening off point, a shelf that gets several hours of direct light:

Hope this helps.
EVERYONE has SUPER awesome set ups. Thanks for sharing.

JJ2011 that's a very sick setup. What are the measurements of your area?

Jerk...... :D. You're the guy I was hoping to chime in. I love the way it's all set up. Using the top part of the book shelf to start them huh ;)?

My balcony is just a wall.... No rails like yours. Oh well, I guess I have to improvise ;).

I want to make like a frame made of 1" PVC with reinforcement and just lay plywood or if I can get Plexiglas. Idk I have to start planning it out :D.

The solid wall is a bummer, but you just need to raise the plants to the height where they get the most sun. It looks like you've got it set up pretty well for one row.

If you want to go 2 deep, maybe use milk crates, cinder blocks, old wooden boxes, etc. Get anything sturdy like that with a uniform height, then stack them as high as you need, put the plywood on top. You can put an old sheet or tablecloth either over or under the plywood if you are worried about guests, roommates, or your significant other thinking the base is ugly.
The solid wall is a bummer, but you just need to raise the plants to the height where they get the most sun. It looks like you've got it set up pretty well for one row.

If you want to go 2 deep, maybe use milk crates, cinder blocks, old wooden boxes, etc. Get anything sturdy like that with a uniform height, then stack them as high as you need, put the plywood on top. You can put an old sheet or tablecloth either over or under the plywood if you are worried about guests, roommates, or your significant other thinking the base is ugly.

Yes sir, that's the plan. right now it's temporary. I want to make a frame out of PVC with some reinforcement. Lightweight, easy, and more cleaner looking. I went to Lowes today and the prices on the PVC stuff isn't that expensive well at least for me.

I tried to look for those plastic party table and they run for about $100 on average so I'm like Mehhhh.. I would rather spend like $30 and just get it done, and it's gona be the way I want it. I'll post up as soon as I get stuff going.

Vegas_Chile: Thanks. It works very well for me. The outdoor season in Denmark is quite short. A lot of chile growers here use LED lights with great succes. I start most of my chinenses Oct-Dec. They grow quite slow due temp of only 58-68 F. The advantage is that they are quite bushy, and don't take up too much space. Come late Feb the bigger ones live in the window sills, and in the beginning of May they move to the green houses and the patio. Green house season ends beginning og Oct. And a new season can begin...

My grow space in the basement is approx 3 x 13 FT.

Here's a picture of my indoor grow room. Running a Growlab 80 tent with a 400W HPS in it as well as a home built 150 (actual) watt CFL cabinet.

Moved since last season so haven't got any pictures of my patio grow area yet, but here's my old apartments patio grow early and later on in the season.
