Recent content by AJ Drew

  1. AJ Drew

    Been a while. Kind of desperate.

    Thank you all. On growing pot in Colorado, we make plenty growing peppers.  Its like they say, if you do what you love it isnt work.  Pot is OK but it is not my love.  Peppers, thats my love.  The there is the whole $10,000.00 commercial permits of growing cannabis. On making knives - There is...
  2. AJ Drew

    Been a while. Kind of desperate.

    Between the hospital stays and all that near death stuff, I havent been around.  I am still unable to walk more than a few feet.  Did not plant out this season.  Closed the online store.  Bank sold our farm and we are about to be homeless.  Haters will hate, but I gotta admit we are screwed and...
  3. AJ Drew

    In horrible need. Please visit <a href="" rel='nofollow external'...

    In horrible need. Please visit <a href="" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links"></a>
  4. AJ Drew

    What I love is how your money is instantly gone but it doest arrive instantly.

    What I love is how your money is instantly gone but it doest arrive instantly.
  5. AJ Drew

    Get fish for your pond or rain barrel.

    Get fish for your pond or rain barrel.
  6. AJ Drew

    Ye, the deputy did ask about the high tunnel. I gave him a tour.

    Ye, the deputy did ask about the high tunnel. I gave him a tour.
  7. AJ Drew

    I danced in my chair. Plants look great, but the beginning was the best.

    I danced in my chair. Plants look great, but the beginning was the best.
  8. AJ Drew

    USPS has been doing great by us, but ye when they screw up it is big.

    USPS has been doing great by us, but ye when they screw up it is big.
  9. AJ Drew

    Hi from Long Island NY!!!

    Welcpme tp THP  Lived in Huntington on Long Island once.  By any chance have you been to Heckshire Park?
  10. AJ Drew

    Moruga, dont bet on it. All it takes is one asshole to report you.

    Moruga, dont bet on it. All it takes is one asshole to report you.
  11. AJ Drew

    Too much rain and ripening

    If I could change the climate here, it would not be hotter, dryer, colder, wetter, or anything like that.  I would want to average it out / make more constant.  No more saving water in the ponds for when it doesnt rain.  No more over the top hot and then way too cool.  Just steady so I could...
  12. AJ Drew

    bob65, the ones that come when your lawn is too high.

    bob65, the ones that come when your lawn is too high.
  13. AJ Drew

    watering Advice for Drip Irrigation

      That is perfect, thank you!  I thought those things were AC cause I usually see them attached to houses.  going to work on this right after season closes.
  14. AJ Drew

    They were really nice an all, but it was weird.

    They were really nice an all, but it was weird.
  15. AJ Drew

    These lawn cops are getting serious. Today it was four officers. What the hell?

    These lawn cops are getting serious. Today it was four officers. What the hell?