Recent content by BrokenTuskBBQ

  1. BrokenTuskBBQ

    labels-artwork Getting Started - What is needed to start your bottling operation

    Hey LDHS, I appreciate it. I have been checking my PM box, but don't have any new messages. For a while last night, I was getting scheduled maintenance messages when trying to log in to the forum. Perhaps that has something to do with no PM?? Sounds great! :cheers: I'm in Concord, Ca. I...
  2. BrokenTuskBBQ

    labels-artwork Getting Started - What is needed to start your bottling operation

    Thank you both for the reply, they are very much appreciated. Just to clarify, I'm not looking to build my own bottling company. Like LDHS, I am interested in taking my product from the kitchen to a co-packer. LDHS, because you and I are geogrphically close, I don't imagine there would be...
  3. BrokenTuskBBQ

    labels-artwork Getting Started - What is needed to start your bottling operation

    Does anyone know if there is a thread that lists the steps needed to get started when moving from hobbiest to "professional" production? I've tried searching the forums, but have come up with nothing or I'm overlooking it. I've been making and canning my sauces for some time in my home now, but...
  4. BrokenTuskBBQ

    Help for a Beginner

    Hi LDHS - Thanks for the response. I look forward to answering your questions. I'm sure I have quite alot for you too!
  5. BrokenTuskBBQ

    Help for a Beginner

    Hi everyone! I don't mean to hijack Lucaskings' thread, so I apologize now... SalsaLady, I was wondering if you could pass on the information you are sending to LucasKing to me as well as I am looking to begin production of some dry mixes? LDHS, I read your other thread about your first...