labels-artwork Getting Started - What is needed to start your bottling operation

Does anyone know if there is a thread that lists the steps needed to get started when moving from hobbiest to "professional" production? I've tried searching the forums, but have come up with nothing or I'm overlooking it.

I've been making and canning my sauces for some time in my home now, but am not completely sure of all the requirements needed when going to the next level. ex:

1 - Get this license
2 - Get this permit
3 - File this paperwork
4 - Get insurance
5 - Convert ingredient measurements to weights
6 - Send samples to state
7 - and so on...

I understand it's likely different for each state, but to have a list of things to consider and the order to complete them would be VERY helpful to a lot of us.

Thanks everyone!

Hi BrokenTusk - there are a number of topics regarding starting a business out of a hobby. I have personally participated in many since I just went through that process. Mine was with a co-packer, not building my own faciltiy, so I won't be your best resouce for information, but if you scan through the topics on the 2 business-related forums you should see a LOT of good info.

For licensing and regulatory stuff, your county and state will have information available, usually online.

Check for posts by Salsalady - she's been a wonderful resource for me while I've been a member of THP, and she produces her own products so that would seem to be right in your wheelhouse.

Good luck - I can help you with questions about registering your business, labelling, packaging, creating sell sheets and other possible marketing materials, barcoding, and other things that I have experience with, but from the sounds of it you're looking to build a production kitchen which I unfortunately have little experience with.


Thank you both for the reply, they are very much appreciated.

Just to clarify, I'm not looking to build my own bottling company. Like LDHS, I am interested in taking my product from the kitchen to a co-packer.

LDHS, because you and I are geogrphically close, I don't imagine there would be too much difference between whatyou were required to do and what I would be required to do. Would you mind disclosing which paperwork and steps you completed to get to the point you are now?

I have no problem doing the footwork, I would just like to know what I'm getting into before investing too much time and money submitting forms.

Thanks again for the responses everyone!
Wouldn't mind a bit. If my internet is back up I'll try to post some pointers for you tonight when I get home.

Ps - sorry I misunderstood - for some reason I read that as you were going to start a bottling operation.

Ps - if we're really geographically close it might be easier to just meet for a beer sometime and you can pick my brain. :cheers:
Wouldn't mind a bit. If my internet is back up I'll try to post some pointers for you tonight when I get home.

Ps - sorry I misunderstood - for some reason I read that as you were going to start a bottling operation.

Hey LDHS, I appreciate it. I have been checking my PM box, but don't have any new messages. For a while last night, I was getting scheduled maintenance messages when trying to log in to the forum. Perhaps that has something to do with no PM??

Sounds great! :cheers:

I'm in Concord, Ca. I had read somewhere on the forum that you were from Hayward. Concord is about 40 minutes from Hayward, depending on traffic....

If you wanted to, we could meet up at Hooters in Dublin for buffalo wings and beers.

I will be busy the next couple weekends preparing for a rib cook-off in Clayton. It's August 11th if you wanted to come out. Great place to market your product. Unfortunately, competition participants (like myself) aren't allowed to sell anything, but I will be marketing the hell out of my sauces and rubs!

P.P.S. - (PP, now that's funny right there...) I sent you a test PM...
Hooters, Dublin is like 5 mins from my office in Pleasanton (day job) so that's be awesome.

Lots of 6's, a couple of "excuse me miss but may I check your ID please?" and a couple of 9's - only hooters I've ever been to but i'll be happy to go back.

Did you just compete in the O.Co event? My pals from Phat Matt's took a prize in sauce I think. Woot!

Anyway, yeah - let's plan on a weeknight beer at Hooters - talk some shop & ogle some girls. I actually have the name of another copacker that might be better suited to BBQ sauce. They worked on my production stuff for a while but didn't have the right equipment, but their core business irks BBQ sauce - and I know their batch minimums too.

Keep me posted on when might be good for you. Mondays are out for me but tue-fri evening is usually good.
