Recent content by Cayennemist

  1. Cayennemist

    PaulG 2021

      I tried, The timers were popping the reset switch on my power strip. Going to town today, should add that to my list! ore hell with it make a 4 slot Jbox. Maybe i can find a water proof box or something.
  2. Cayennemist

    PaulG 2021

    Look'n good! I had a day about 2 weeks ago when I went out of town and didn't tell my wife to turn off the heater in the green house... I cooked some of the foliage on a few. I didn't loose any, but I have a few that shed off a bunch of leaves and stunted. Yours look like they have never seen...
  3. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

    The plan is to dig out the are where the planter go and then use the surrounding areas as fill. Once all the good stuff on the top is on the beds I will mulch the ground.        
  4. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

    I got big WOOD!   So now that people are selling dime bags of saw dust on the corner, I had to get creative with my raised beds. I was thinking about corrugated metal because I have a stack of that, but I would still need to build a frame for each box.   Plan B was to use pallet wood. That would...
  5. Cayennemist

    Daft Punk Break Up

  6. Cayennemist

    PaulG 2021

    Look'n real nice! looks like your hardening off is going better than mine. I could you use a week of cloud cover let let mine catch up. I feel like mine all jumped in to the fire when I transferred in to the greenhouse.
  7. Cayennemist

    Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

    I have 2 WL F8 One in still in a solo and 2 together in a 7g Grow Bag. Biggest one is the one still in a solo due to its lack of color. Still a very pretty plant and it may darken up.  I'll post some pics of the other 2 tomorrow.   
  8. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

    Lots of work hardening off to a greenhouse from a grow room!   I lost a bell and a pepperoncini R.I.P. I have one cayenne that I put in to a 7g grow bag and he isn't looking great, but its too late he isn't coming back in.   The supers are killing it! its mostly the just anums that are being...
  9. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

      LOL, True story!
  10. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

      Honestly, IDK lol. The bag said "Purple Ornamental" That seems a bit vague. Once I get some pods going I'll dig in a little deeper and ask the sender some questions.    At this point in time it is one of my favorites. It is a bushy little guy.
  11. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

      I deffinatly had to up my game from growing in So. Cal!  I might look in to some cold tolerant varieties, any ideas?
  12. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

    We are sleeping outside tonight!   Weatherman says 55F tonight, but no matter, I got a heater on a timer. The fan also has its own timer.     Defiantly some hardening off to do. I had about a dozen plants wilt and fall over like they were made of rubber. I imagine the temp was around 85F. I hit...
  13. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

    Not bad for 60 days from seed!  
  14. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

    Ever wake up and check your plants and it just feels like they exploded with growth?     Lots of node and side branch growth! Especially on the topped plants. I have been cutting back on light, at about 7 hours of dark with a steady temp of 70F and good airflow. I had some Edema issues, I...
  15. Cayennemist

    Cayennemist's 2021 from SCRATCH! New property

    I know right... I change my statement. Freeze is my biggest threat.