Recent content by deathmetal91980

  1. deathmetal91980

    Tubes of Smoky Powder

    That just looks great. I keep trying to dip my carrot in there but my laptop keeps pepper blocking me. Ill def have to make up some ranch tonight.
  2. deathmetal91980

    Sad Morning

    Thanks JAG for the bag of choc greatness. Enjoying a great breakfast with plenty to follow.
  3. deathmetal91980

    Sad Morning

    Woke up this morning feeling great ready to tackle the day. Then it happened. Reached into the freezer to grab a choc bhut for my breakfast and realized it was my last one for the season. AAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Breakfast wont be the same again.
  4. deathmetal91980

    cant wait to walk over and give them a try

    cant wait to walk over and give them a try
  5. deathmetal91980

    Slaughter's House of Spice

    Thanks....Glad you love it
  6. deathmetal91980

    New Member

    Its def a blast
  7. deathmetal91980

    New Member

    thanks man thanks man...what kinda peppers you have growing and hows the weather in your neck of the woods?
  8. deathmetal91980

    Giving credit where credit is due

    LMAO cant wait
  9. deathmetal91980

    Giving credit where credit is due

    everything and alot more then i would of even thought possible..thanks for the friendly welcome
  10. deathmetal91980

    Giving credit where credit is due

    you know me to well brother lol
  11. deathmetal91980

    Giving credit where credit is due

    lol just woke up there will def be an update later . That's what happens when you have a choc bhut slap you in the face first thing in the morning lol
  12. deathmetal91980

    Giving credit where credit is due

    Thanks again for your help JAG. Its nice to have a well respected member backing me up. Man that maruga smoked pepper is def what the doctor needed. Didn't think i could feel the pain like that anymore...Good to know how wrong I was.
  13. deathmetal91980

    Slaughter's House of Spice

    :twisted: your gonna love always up for suggestions..if theres anything you would like changed with it i do personalized orders
  14. deathmetal91980

    Slaughter's House of Spice

    Thanks man its nice having a sweet last name lol Hope no one out there is a will die from the amount of garlic in it.
  15. deathmetal91980

    New Member

    whats up are the peppers treating you?