Recent content by Fieryguitarist

  1. Fieryguitarist

    Need help with deformed carrot!

    Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
  2. Fieryguitarist

    New member from New Zealand

    Welcome, good to see some more kiwis in this thread!
  3. Fieryguitarist


    Those look great judy, nice work!
  4. Fieryguitarist

    tutorial The Pest Guide

    Aphid IMG Threat level: 5 Location: every where except Antarctica Control: Water with dish soap, 1 Tbsp of soap per gallon (avoid run off in to soil if possible) Biological Control: Ladybugs and other beneficial insects. Prevention: Damage caused: Chewed up leaves, damaged new growth. Just...
  5. Fieryguitarist

    All ready for this years grow!

    All ready for this years grow!
  6. Fieryguitarist

    Hi from sunny Townsville, North Queensland, Australia

    Welcome from Tauranga, New Zealand. Enjoy your stay on THP!!!
  7. Fieryguitarist

    Found these with some "habaneros" at a local shop

    Number 8 looks like a butch T and number one looks like a red moruga
  8. Fieryguitarist

    food Habacano pizza

    That cob bread pizza looks amazing. I might have to try that some time!
  9. Fieryguitarist

    food Habacano pizza

    Hello, today I made a pizza. I call it the habacano. Recipe: Ingredients Tomato paste 20 ml olive oil (double if you are making more than one pizza) Habanero chillies Cheese Garlic salt Pizza base Pineapple (optional) 1. preheat the oven to 260 degrees Celcius...
  10. Fieryguitarist

    free Uhhhhh....Free Candy?

    Sweet, is it U.S only?
  11. Fieryguitarist

    " Birthday ", Contest Time ! sry . u.s. only ( CLOSED ) Winner is , Capcom !

    It's ok, it was fun trying to guess.
  12. Fieryguitarist

    Abnormal leaves on seedlings!

    Ok, thank you. I got kind of concerned there.
  13. Fieryguitarist

    Abnormal leaves on seedlings! (sorry for posting links) This is a 7 pot bubblegum. It was a helmet head. I took the helmet head off and it grew fine. Then, when it started to devolup its second set of true leaves the leaves grew almost completly circular. Is this normal?
  14. Fieryguitarist

    Fertiliser help!

    Ok, do you recommend any fertilisers?