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" Birthday ", Contest Time ! sry . u.s. only ( CLOSED ) Winner is , Capcom !

In lieu of my just recent birthday , i'm gonna give away some peach s.s. / jays peach g/s . placenta powder .
  I was deemed my 3rd. grandson a little while back .  
The one who guesses the closest to how many ( DAYS old ) he is. without going over wins ! 
Remember he could of been born 3, 6, 9 , months ago . 
Good luck ! 
salsalady said:
22 days!  
Congrats on the newest addition to your family!!!
Thank you very much ! 
Rymerpt said:
Oh damn folks you REALLY want to win this. The placenta powder is MIND BLOWING.

ILL GUESS = 36 days old
i forgot , you did win some in a contest i had in the winter . Glad you enjoyed it my friend ! 
Malarky said:
77 days...my son turned 1 today.
congrats on your new son ! 

Well time to close this baby !  Capcom is the closest at :  157 , my newest grandson was 272 days old when i posted the contest ,
CONGRATS TO CAPCOM !   and Thanks to everyone who played , and you well wishes !   frank

Fieryguitarist said:
sry my friend  u.s. only , but a guess couldn't hurt none .
moruga welder said:
congrats on your new son ! 
Well time to close this baby !  Capcom is the closest at :  157 , my newest grandson was 272 days old when i posted the contest ,
CONGRATS TO CAPCOM !   and Thanks to everyone who played , and you well wishes !   frank

sry my friend  u.s. only , but a guess couldn't hurt none .
It's ok, it was fun trying to guess.
Thanks Frank
I have been hearing a lot about how good the JPGS is in powder form. Looking forward to trying it.