Recent content by grantmichaels

  1. grantmichaels

    food The Drunken Chef

    Hard same! ;) I’m willing to give it a try though.
  2. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    Nice ... I enjoy the mahogany phase ...
  3. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    Please squeeze SRF on page two ... Page 1: SV Page 2: SRF Page 3: Squid ink
  4. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    I'm not very handy ... right up until I lose A/C - then it's on the donkey kong.
  5. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    If you leave now, you can probably get some of that meat he rubbed's juice squirted in your mouth ...
  6. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    All kidding aside, power-outage season is upon us here too ... It's the worst. Did you troubleshoot it? Make sure the scum outside isn't backing up the drain and causing it to flood the pan and shut itself down to avoid flooding inside ...
  7. grantmichaels

    Long term effects of super hots?

    Probably get secondary dehydration from ever-increasing diarrhea through consecutive doses ... then internal hemerrhoids, followed by an external one or five ... which would cause you to have to eat saltines and water for weeks, like gastritis. You asked.
  8. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    Ouch. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy ... I think. On the brightside, now you're really doing legit #Paleo ... so at least there's that! :D
  9. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    Trying to impregnate 'em? :rofl:
  10. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    Haha ... #WaterAndFire #Kumbaya You really should't trouble yourself unless it's picking up speed and into the 300F's ... I do think there's a little something to the truly low, low pork butt, but I have never felt like I've paid a penalty for a brisket running hot ... In fact quite the...
  11. grantmichaels

    beer Being Crafty

    Beer's been had, take-out from new Mexican/Peruvian soon. Then, a whale.
  12. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

      You'd have thought, until I used it! ;)
  13. grantmichaels

    smoking 5.0's Sous Vide sucks and you should feel bad BGE Smoked Brisket

    This cook is sprawling - are you going after t0mato's longest cook record? ...