Recent content by Hothead

  1. H

    Excess Habernos and Jalepenos

    Hi Everyone   This year I grew some hot peppers, habernos and jalepenos. In retrospect the habernos were a big mistake. First, when I brought the plant, I found there were two and not just one. Needless to say they did very well but now I am stuck with figuring out what to do them them all. I...
  2. H

    Problem Growing Habernos

    Thanks for all the replies.  You've been a big help..  They've been in the big containers for about a month now. Just seems like they haven't grown any since that time. I have been watering them every day since the weather has warmed up. Will leave alone for now and stop babying them. Wish I...
  3. H

    Problem Growing Habernos

    I brought some pepper plants for container growing. Have sweet peppers, jalepenos and habernos. They are doing great except for the Habernos. Seem to be growing really slow and the leaves seem yellowish. Any ideas on the problem- if any. It seems to be producing new leaves,albeit small ones...
  4. H

    Viniger Based Sauce?

    I would imagine you could also use dried red hot chiles for this recipe too. I was thinking of adding an onion and some garlic to mellow it out. Would that create an issue as far as spoilage goes? Would there be ANY health issues making a hot sauce using vineger,regardless what you use...