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  • That's ok mel, i actually like chilli jam :) How has work been treating you?
    For some reason I keep trying to respond to your friend request but it won't let me. Technology bites. And so do certain men!!

    I just wanted to let you know I wasn't ignoring it.
    I am sure that i will live. I have eaten tof- tufo-too- o whatever and i am still alive!
    It would be great! Look at it like this, does a mechanic come home and want to work on his own car? :lol:

    Sounds like the garage was an after thought?
    If you have a place inside with some sun that would be your best bet.

    If your aircon unit is in the garage that sucks. It means that during summer the garage will heat up and during the winter when you are warming your house it will go even cooler. Not a very efficient setup because there is not enough airflow, whoever installed that needs a kick up the bum!
    evenin Mel...gig was good...we do about 30 a year at the elephant...we call it our home gig and it is like playing on our back porch...we always have fun there...thanks for asking...
    It really does depend on what kind of plant you have if you want to keep them through winter. Some like the goats weed will keep going however any chinense's will certainly kick the bucket in an instant if hit by frost. I reckon your best bet would to be choose your favorite plants and chop them back to not much more than a stem and keep them in your garage (if have one) or similar. I had a Dorset Naga last year that went off it's head during the cooler late part of the season but it ended up dropping it's leaves inside the house. Best to chop them right back after they stop setting fruit IMO.

    Sorry to rant.
    Hey mate :D I was just wondering what your perception of overwintering was. Do you plan to keep them warm and happy or are you going to chop the suckers down and not water them?
    I eat the kind from the oven all the time - had em with pork chops a few night ago.
    I might do a lasagna this week, perfect food to fill up the freezer with! No chips or (french fries) - I used to have a deep frier but tossed it out a few years ago. Couldn't stand the smell...
    Is that the vodka you have been getting into? If so you have been concentrating the fatalii!
    holidays are awesome! :D

    I had big plans to be drankin' tonight but a sixer down and i am falling asleep again!

    Must be time to rest up so I can get a good holidays drunkin' on tomorrow night! hahaha

    You have fun now!
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