Recent content by ProhibitionHotSauce

  1. ProhibitionHotSauce

    Finally Made My First Sauce

    That salsa sounds good; the house smell thing is the reason why a lot of us make it in commercial kitchens, especially if you have pets 
  2. ProhibitionHotSauce

    Looking for some guidance making my 1st hot sauce

    Try starting with flavours you or your family likes.  Taking recipes off the internet is really kind of lame because it has none of your personality in it.   Like peaches?  Add peaches.  Like mangos?  Add mangos.  Start with a base of flavour (like any kind of cooking), make sure that is correct...
  3. ProhibitionHotSauce

    heat How does sauce ingredients affect heat level?

    Adding 7 pots is like hunting rabbit with a Bazooka, it is going to be a different experience 
  4. ProhibitionHotSauce

    The does and donts of sauce making

    I have never heard of seeds adding bitterness unless it makes up some crazy percentage of the bottle like anything over 1% overall volume.  But at that point its more of a seed sauce than a hot sauce HAHA