Recent content by samcanadian

  1. samcanadian

    food The Last Great Pizza Thread

    Yeah, that'll be on my list of things to try for my next pizza too!
  2. samcanadian

    outdoors We went hunting for Canada Goose last night and I took some GoPro footage

    So me and three friends took the John Boat onto a flooded field last night and waited around for the feeding geese to lift off the fields and come back to the water to sleep.   Here's a vid of us paddling out         And here's one of us hunting.  The video's a bit...
  3. samcanadian

    food The Last Great Pizza Thread

    The reason I ask is because I have the same aluminum peel and I'm nervous about sliding a pizza onto my steel with anything but a piece of parchment underneath.  It's a drag having to pull the parchment out a few minutes into the cook to get the crispiness factor though.     How much flour/corn...
  4. samcanadian

    food The Last Great Pizza Thread

      First off, that's a great looking pizza.  The BGE or another Kamado style grill would be a great way to make pizza.  Do you have a steel or something you place in it, or is there a flat portion you're able to slide the pizza onto?   Question: Why two different pizza peels?     Also, do you use...
  5. samcanadian

    food The Last Great Pizza Thread

    We've got a great line on limestone here in Winnipeg, MB.  There's an insane amount of it available.  Is that's what's preferred for a pizza oven?
  6. samcanadian

    grilling CypressHill1973 my grill & BBQ in Argentina

    I have a Maverick which is wireless, but it's not as reliable as the Thermapen...and frankly I only usually measure once when I think the meat's about done.  I've graduated past the nervous hand-wringing anticipation of watching my meat temps rise and now just chill out and wait at least 90% of...
  7. samcanadian

    miguelovic 2014 - A Greenhorns Trip into Organics

  8. samcanadian

    pruning-topping A Simple Guide to Topping and Pruning

    In the Ukraine, yet!  That must be a south west elevation?  That's one heck of a healthy looking plant.  
  9. samcanadian

    Could be worse, you could be selling a set of Tama Royalstars because you completely, 100% lost...

    Could be worse, you could be selling a set of Tama Royalstars because you completely, 100% lost any urge to ever pick up the sticks again
  10. samcanadian

    baking First Pizza on the Baking Steel

        Holy moly I hear you.  Pinterest is the worst thing for my wife.  She really does try hard, but she spends way too much time looking on these goofy sites where house wives put their own spin on Vegetable Soup (i.e. removing salt and anything delicious)
  11. samcanadian

    baking First Pizza on the Baking Steel

    Tell me about it. Its hard to find solid, unassailable recipe ideas backed by expertise...not just a soccer mom making dough for the first time.
  12. samcanadian

    baking First Pizza on the Baking Steel

    I feel like there are a TON of "easy" recipes out there and not enough advanced or even "regular" ones. I would definitely be interested in becoming more anal about my dough process if it meant more controllable/predictable results.
  13. samcanadian

    baking First Pizza on the Baking Steel

    Green peppers, homemade spicy Italian sausage, onions caramelized in fig balsamic There are an insane amount of pizza dough recipes with very very slight changes in the ingredients themselves. What I'd like to know is what part of the method changes in order to make the kind of pizza dough you...
  14. samcanadian

    miguelovic 2014 - A Greenhorns Trip into Organics

    Do you smoke them or grill them?  I like smoking my poppers for that extra bit of flavour.