All my other plants like scotch brains monkey face aji brain strain have been blooming and producing fruit my few reapers aren't I guess they aren't as tolerant to the heat.
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I have a chocolate reaper plant. It is growing tons of blooms but it's seems the anthers are not opening to release pollen. The plant is set up in a dwc bucket vegetation looks great but it's been months of flowers with no fruit. I cut back all ferts to see if there was to much nitrogen but that...
Got a weird one today as well my brain strain yellow has no heat at all. None what so ever it has the the heat of a bell l. Anyone have an idea why it isn't hot. Or if it even is a brain strain yellow pepper.
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New update my seedlings have been transplanted and I have been harvesting peppers as well my hydroponic grown plant is also flowering
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These are some unknown seeds supposed to be a "b goat" but it was not isolated. They have a smokey flavor and smell and are very very hot.
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I know it's definitely not a b goat. reached out to the seed vendor see if he had any idea no reply. they were sold as non isolated so either way I have some unknown peppers that are hot and taste good. Better than nothing. The pepper doesn't have the distinct crown I guess thats what u would...
I have this plant labeled as a Bahamian goat but it looks more red than anything but one of the peppers ripening on the plant is orange any idea ?
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New pics of my older plants. Having some leaves drop off here and there and peppers are taking there time to ripen. My Andy's unreaper haven't set peppers yet.
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I don't know if this could be it at all I just was reading a book today and saw this and thought of this thread but as u said above if everything your feeding is balance there should be no deficiency
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Hopefully it is a pdn cross with reaper
These seeds were not protected from cross pollination I'm going to grow this one out see what I get.
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Update on the plants everything is growing great. Only thing I can't figure out is I have one seedling that is larger than the other reapers and a different color. Is this a seed that got mixed in or is the just a seedling that has grown faster
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I started a few plants back in April and they are producing now. The first few pictures show those the second is the plant set up with drip irrigation outside. As of right now here are the varieties I have
Bahamian goat
Scotch brains
AJI Lemondrops
Monkey Face Yellow
Andy's unreaper...