No fruit

I have a chocolate reaper plant. It is growing tons of blooms but it's seems the anthers are not opening to release pollen. The plant is set up in a dwc bucket vegetation looks great but it's been months of flowers with no fruit. I cut back all ferts to see if there was to much nitrogen but that did not seem to help. i also have been misting them to see if humidity can push them to make fruit. Dose anyone have any suggestions on how I can get this plant to produce?

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Hasn't it been hot as Hell there for months?  You may have no choice but to wait for cooler weather.  Perhaps shade cloth and keeping the water cool somehow might help, but I think summer shutdowns are fairly common around your parts.  You may simply have some hot weather you'll have to ride out.
All my other plants like scotch brains monkey face aji brain strain have been blooming and producing fruit my few reapers aren't I guess they aren't as tolerant to the heat.

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Could be.  Could be other reasons as well though if everything else is currently producing.  I just know that growers in Texas can struggle during the dog days.  Seems Reapers can be a bit finicky too and take their time for many people.  Hope they turn around quickly for you.  Maybe some other people will have ideas.
1 of my reapers is doing the same. Loads of flowers for at least a month and a half. But won't set fruit...
Not sure if anthers are not opening, how do you check..?


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I have Rocotos that behave the same: A huge, lush deep green Aji Largo, no shortage of blossoms, many set fruit, then drop. A Costa Rica Red, same thing. I have a Big Apple Red that has been giving me fits all season, not one pod. And an Arequipa Giant with a season full of flower drop.
To me it's all part of the obsession. If I overwinter these plants they wind up over producing the next year, don't ask me why...
Anthers are easy to see and inspect, Chinense does seem to take it's time, I have an Aji Arnaucho that has anthers that don't want to spread. Try a Qtip-as-honeybee and manually pollinate, they may just need a "nudge".
acs1 said:
Can you tell in my above flower pic if the anther is open, and flower looks healthy..?
Yes, open. Just not fully. And pollen, from what I've seen on a lot of pepper blossoms, doesn't appear right away. Remember these blossoms will do an open-close dance for a few days. When you manually pollinate with a Qtip, the Qtip actually collects pollen from whatever blossoms you use it on and will pollinate others. Hence I do not share a Qtip between plants and never throw a Qtip away until the plant stops flowering...
Thanks guys... How can you tell if a flower has already been pollinated, or if it needs to be pollinated...
acs1 said:
Thanks guys... How can you tell if a flower has already been pollinated, or if it needs to be pollinated...
I cannot until a pod swells out of the calyx, though I have noticed on some varieties that the tip of the pistil darkens noticeably after a time, whether a sign of pollinatio I know not. I tend to repeat manual pollenation several times on the same blossoms, regardless. Some take, some do not...
acs1 said:
Thanks guys... How can you tell if a flower has already been pollinated, or if it needs to be pollinated...
The only way I know of is:

1. The flower stem stays attached, the petals fall off over time and the ovary becomes the pepper (pollinated).
2.  The flower dies and the  stem falls off the plant (Not necessarily a pollination issue as high temps can cause this.)