texas blues
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  • Do you think THP will actually enter this throwdown? Or, is he just talking smack?
    Whatcha cookin' today? I think I am going to explode into a fireball of hotsauce, bbq and beer before this day is over.
    I have heard that you made a UDS and I must congratulate you on not taking more than a year to do so...lol BTW that brisket looked great.
    I am back!!! I just posted a detailed post of my summer experience. Coupled with that post, I have been busy at work and busy trying to be a great Dad. I missed all of you guys too.
    Bring on more UDS mastery! I am off to my nephew's birthday party, then back here for some more grilling.
    So disappointed you didn't make the soyrizo burger! Think after today I will have to eat many many vegetables this week.
    Of course I was boozin'! I plan on doing a lot of that this weekend. I just finished picking up ingredients for my throwdown winner. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
    Hey TB, how u doin? Hope all is well... Weather is finally staring to warm up down under so I think it might be time to come out of hibernation :)
    What's cookin' in the Blues kitchen tonight? I am trying to get some reviews done for THP. Doing a little "research" with some wings and beer.
    Cool! Waiting with baited breath for da pics. Thinking of doing some lemon pepper monkfish tomorrow.
    ya do that with the number. I tried to call you last week when I was eating the Brain and never heard from you. Wondered what happened. Glad all is well.
    What's happening Leslie? You have been pretty quiet lately. Everything alright?
    Don't know if the romaine would have went that well with pulled pork anyway. I know you'll have a killer entry. Waiting to see it.
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