texas blues
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  • LOL - thanks TB... but i think tha choc monstonsity (sp?>?) may bring us all down :) maybe cause i'm a little tipsy.. but still... if it were savoury and i didnt have the vote for me... i'd be voting yours..... man.. tink its time for bed..... TF its a long weekend!! wweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
    i think mr DTS has just out done us both on the pasta throwdown... his deseert pasta looks awesome!!

    shhhh... i'm not sposed to be drinkin but its a long weekend nd i 'll stop after the weekends over,.... promise!!! boooooooo i wanted a crown!!!!
    your entry looks awesome!! i am gonna have to purdy myne up to have a chance against you!! well done!!

    Ps: can u come visit oz and teach mrmel how to cooK??? :P
    Hand that pasta over or i will bloody kill you! Fanfu*kin tastic Leslie.
    BTW, bring me some good tequila back from Mexico when you go. One month from now the Madness of JayT is coming to town...
    Yeah i found out about that beer the other day. Apparantly the word for lager in german is "helle". I have to get a bottle of this for a keepsake!!
    I think I'm going to get drunk on jack and coke tonight and sit back and watch Jay get sick on ham.
    I think I am going to eat an entire 8lb ham, get drunk and celebrate 5K tonight.
    Making wings like you did the other week. Marinated them in wing sauce spiked with two tablespoons of AJ's Scorpion puree and then a quick dredge in seasoned flour. I don't know how they'll turn out, but I am guessing by the smell that they are going to be pretty damn hot.
    Thanks for the compliment mate, i would have never been able to do it without Neils help though. He is a fantastic bloke.
    My wife voted for your Rueben. Sadly, she isn't a forum member. I hog the computer I guess.
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