Recent content by The Hot Pepper

  1. The Hot Pepper

    movies Old movie about worms

    If it's not here you dropped some acid
  2. The Hot Pepper

    movies Old movie about worms

    5% it was a nightmare.
  3. The Hot Pepper

    movies Old movie about worms

    Dune? (1984)
  4. The Hot Pepper

    Hello from RI

  5. The Hot Pepper

    show-off Big Jalapenos

    I've been seeing this size for a few years now. At first yeah, wtf, then, normal.
  6. The Hot Pepper

    My name's Ron

  7. The Hot Pepper

    Hello All

  8. The Hot Pepper

    labels-artwork Labels for hot sauce

    Check these out @LGHT
  9. The Hot Pepper

    shopping Where do you source fresh peppers out of season?

    You know if you put up Wanted: Fresh Pods ad here in Classifieds certain growers will see what you want and come harvest time you might have some reserved for you. In fact there is also this thread:
  10. The Hot Pepper

    new chilli grower, I'm trying to plant various hot types

    :welcome: Wow, cool!
  11. The Hot Pepper

    extreme-heat Your thoughts on sauces with extract

    Our very own @salsalady sells a product called Pure Evil which adds heat via capsaicin drops with ZERO flavor. There is a market for heat with no flavor and no, the audience is not always novelty. You may have perfected the perfect chili for example and don't want to add any more flavor, not...
  12. The Hot Pepper

    extreme-heat Your thoughts on sauces with extract

    That Aji Amarillo spice you just mentioned in another thread has extract in it. If you get it let us know how it is!
  13. The Hot Pepper

    heat Whats your favorite spicy beverage?

    If you haven't dropped a dried ghost pod into your Tito's vodka bottle, what are you even doing with your life?