Recent content by ThrowHeat

  1. ThrowHeat

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Some 2024 DnB action.:dance:
  2. ThrowHeat

    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Good morning again. It's only 9 degrees in NF right now, and it is only supposed to reach 16 today. It's definitely on the frigid side out there. But I only plan on going outside when the dogs need to do their business. Other than that, I'm staying inside where it is nice and toasty warm...
  3. ThrowHeat

    show-off What hot sauce are you using right now?

    Hellfire Angry Orange has been my go to sauce for the last couple of weeks. Great flavor with a little bit of sweetness to it, along with a really nice burn. But this sauce has also been getting some use in our house as of late. You definitely taste the ghost pepper in it, and the burn is...
  4. ThrowHeat

    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    @Downriver I am ready for whatever winter is going to throw my way. We live on a road that is plowed and salted regularly, and we have a grocery store that is almost within rock throwing distance. The worst I ever have to deal with is shoveling out our driveway, but the deeper the snow, the...
  5. ThrowHeat

    Word Association Thread

  6. ThrowHeat

    Two Word Turd

    by uninhabitable
  7. ThrowHeat

    off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

    Good morning! It's been a little bit since I've been on here. The snow is falling here in NF, but we haven't seen anything close to what we usually see by this time of year. Other may hate the colder months, but personally, I absolutely love them. So I'm a little disappointed by the lack of...
  8. ThrowHeat

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    DnB is on the music menu today and for the foreseeable future.🤘
  9. ThrowHeat

    As sad as I am that my pepper season is pretty much over, I'm already looking forward to 2025.

    As sad as I am that my pepper season is pretty much over, I'm already looking forward to 2025.
  10. ThrowHeat

    Throw Heat's 2024 Pain Factory

    Primotalii. Why Not, BBM, Reaper x SRTSL, Peach X, and a few other varieties. Beast. Not a bad final harvest for a single plant. Some Beast pods before I prepped them for the dehydrator. :fireball:
  11. ThrowHeat

    hobbies Any other flow/skill toy enthusiasts on here???

    Some new tricks. 🪀 🤓
  12. ThrowHeat

    Throw Heat's 2024 Pain Factory

    The inside of an immaculate Big Mustard Mama. I'm officially a big fan of this variety and will be growing it again next year. The first of many jars full of dried pods. This one is mostly BMM and Beast, with a bunch of other varieties mixed in.
  13. ThrowHeat

    Throw Heat's 2024 Pain Factory

    Peach 7 Pot. I'm not sure how true these are, but I like the color and the shape. If they have heat and good flavor, I'm keeping seeds for next year. MA Purple | White Knight. These definitely aren't like any of the photos I've seen of this variety. But the seeds were a freebie...
  14. ThrowHeat

    Throw Heat's 2024 Pain Factory

    Peach Moruga Dragon's Breath 7 Pot Primo (or at least it was the year before last) New toy.🪀🤓
  15. ThrowHeat

    news Warthog

    Just arrived in the mail today.🤘