Recent content by Tonly

  1. Tonly

    7 Pot Chaguanas Strain 2 - SASBE Offer - Closed

    I'll take it if available.
  2. Tonly

    The year of FLAVOR...

    You'll love the Fatalii. Heads up on the Biker Billy. If you are growing from the seed I sent, they were disappointing this year. Average size pods and one of the mildest jalapenos I've ever had. Very nice flavor but just not the heat or size I was expecting. I think Burpee must've had...
  3. Tonly

    Justaguy's 2011 Garden Season

    How long does it take to to grow bamboo that size? I can dream up all kinds of uses for that stuff. :) Also, your 7th Circle sauce is amazing. Hope you keep it available.
  4. Tonly


    Got my seeds last week Joe. Thank You! :dance:
  5. Tonly

    Trinidad Scorpion Green - JR (C. chin) - SASBE Offer - 10 Seeds Each - OFFER CLOSED

    Is it too late? I'd like in if still open.
  6. Tonly

    Using fresh worm castings

    I'm pretty sure those types of worms won't hurt your plant roots at all. Seems they like their food to start decomposing a little before they eat it. If you don't need more worms for another bin, I think you can use the material with the eggs and stuff without worry. Some people make a worm...
  7. Tonly

    Pepper injuries

    Anytime I mess with fire, It seems I always get burned. Actually starting to enjoy it. :mouthonfire:
  8. Tonly

    Harvesting extract?

    I'm not sure if this is an extraction, concentration, reduction or what. I took a couple pounds of fresh bhut jolokias, dried them, smashed into flakes, put into a quart jar and covered with 80 to 100 proof. Let them soak for a few days and then strained the mix into a pyrex pie plate and...
  9. Tonly


    I'd like to try this one. Thanks for offering this.
  10. Tonly

    My new pepper growing space for 2012

    That's gonna be a great place for you. I can't believe how well your lawn mower handled those briars. :shocked:
  11. Tonly

    show-off 7 Pot Pepper pics

    These types of plants can become huge but they probably need much larger containers to do so. Nothing wrong with growing them in small containers as long as you don't expect them to realize their full potential. Wait for them to change color to red, yellow or whatever then start tasting them...
  12. Tonly

    raised-bed Raised Bed

    I'd recommend adding lime or gypsum at least once per season. I think they both serve the same purpose but lime may raise the soil ph and gypsum won't. I don't think the effects are immediate, so adding them in the fall and tilling in may work better.
  13. Tonly

    newbie needs some help has quite a bit of info you might find helpful about peppers. I haven't seen a FAQ section for this forum. The way I track topics I have started or posted in is just go to "My Content" it's in the drop down box where your user name is in the top right of the page. I...
  14. Tonly

    Here is why you do research before buying peppers from eBay!!!

    Sent him a message, too. Offered to send him real bhut jolokia seed if he will correct his auction. I doubt HE is trying to scam anyone. Until we told him, he probably thought he was growing the real deal.
  15. Tonly

    What am i doing wrong with my tolerance?

    Many folks under estimate the heat of tobasco peppers. To me the burn is quite different from chinense types and harder for me to handle.