Recent content by wiigelec

  1. W

    Basement grow tent

    Ooh what have we here!
  2. W

    Basement grow tent

    It definitely smells fertile! And it seems to hold a bit more water than the big-box potting soil. Transplanted, they were definitely ready, hoping theyre ready to take off in their new rich home:
  3. W

    Basement grow tent

    Borrowed PaulGs soil recipe:
  4. W

    hobbies 3D Printing

    Nuts and bolts?
  5. W

    hobbies 3D Printing

      These are fun:   And if you're looking for something challenging:   And there is always this old standby:
  6. W

    Basement grow tent

    This is why we cant have any nice outdoor plants around here:
  7. W

    Basement grow tent

    Nothing fancy with the seeds just what they had at the local megamart. Negative on the third pepper sprouting.
  8. W

    Basement grow tent

    Peppers looking a little leggy so moved them closer to the light.
  9. W

    Basement grow tent

    Five out of six germination rate. Temp ranging 64-72 F, RH 35-45%:
  10. W

    Basement grow tent

    Let's see if we can get some cherry tomatoes and jalapenos to grow:  
  11. W

    Good day from sunny WY!

    Haha, not sunny today though.   Interested in growing some hot peppers, mostly indoors because our growing season is so short here. Mostly interested in jalapenos, habanero, and ghost peppers.   Thanks for having me!