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Fun with AI







Absolutely! Your great-grand daughter is just a kid. This lady is a very attractive, mature woman. Thanks for sharing!

You're welcome ☺️ While I updated the image partially in jest, it was also my intention to show the possibilities. Knowingly or unknowingly, you focussed attention on an issue I'm frequently encountering. According to AI, the "kid" has already celebrated her 20th birthday, and the "mature" model is around 100 years old - how do you call the state of something that has passed "overripe"? 🤔 - although the model is clearly two to three decades younger.

The main challenge was getting this type of "burried in peppers" effect. I was first trying "covered with" and "swimming in" (and many synonyms), but only when I tried "burried in" I got the effect I was looking for.
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Over-ripe (as it relates to a person) = feeble, centenarian, ancient? Who know what that might get ya, lol.

This whole "AI" thing is kinda mind-blowing, with where it's progressed to. We've come a long way since I built my first computer in the basement in 1980, running DOS, booting from a floppy, with 8K or memory. I was living large when I upgraded to that 10MB disk-drive, lol.

Thanks for sharing some of the things you've done. It was an eye-opener!

You're welcome ☺️ While I updated the image partially in jest, it was also my intention to show the possibilities. Knowingly or unknowingly, you focussed attention on an issue I'm frequently encountering. According to AI, the "kid" has already celebrated her 20th birthday, and the "mature" model is around 100 years old - how do you call the state of something that has passed "overripe"? 🤔 - although the model is clearly two to three decades younger.

The main challenge was getting this type of "burried in peppers" effect. I was first trying "covered with" and "swimming in" (and many synonyms), but only when I tried "burried in" I got the effect I was looking for.
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