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  • Funny you said that.The Barrackpore was the hottest.Well we made a video and Ill think youll like it.Gaby ate the barrack 7 and then some naga and boy was she going.
    Gaby talking
    Okay this Is Gaby typing now, WOW Scott! That was some HOT Powder! I dont use bad words but okay you just HAVE to watch it :censored: hahahaha! The naga crept in and even after the video was over I was burning:mouthonfire: and dancing for a while :onfire: haha. Well thank you and it was still good :)
    Gaby and Justin
    Just ate some of that Barrackpore powder...whhhhhhhhhoooooooooo
    ooooahhhhhhhhhh...that was some good diesel fuel there...awsome!
    IM on fire as I type this message.diped right into the naga powder with a spoon to see what ill be up against.WOW im burnin hahahaha.
    Thanks very much me burnin good
    The Beer I want to send you is dark. IT's called "Down Town Brown" made by lost coast brewery and its my beer of choice,and the amber one is called"Alley Cat".I think you'll dig both of them..
    Thanks again and im still on fire, gonna let Gaby have some when see gets home hahahahahaha
    It seems i'm gonna have me some mango chicken:onfire:the envelope ya sent me just arrived...thanks a million brother!:cool::)
    I really hope I get to see Nigeria play Germany in the World Cup. You know my sense of humor by now, and you know that NIG-GER in the corner of the screen is ending up on my blog!
    Yeah it was alot of fun.When I asked Gaby if she wanted to try it with me and she said yes, I was like heck yeah!!

    Just my luck thougt... The spring was really slow so we thought that we would never get summer, then suddenly it turns around and we have the earliest summer in like 15 years....
    I posted on my walll again and wasn't even drunk in the process:rolleyes:i''d love to try one of your Douglah podz as it seems both you and Mell have been struggling with those:cool: (can handle my crossed Douglahs with ease so am quite curious about their differences):lol:
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