boutros Mar 7, 2010 DTS- not fishin' for vote trades, (may the best sando win!) but have to give you mine! That medium rare steak strewn all over the place shot hit my drool button.
DTS- not fishin' for vote trades, (may the best sando win!) but have to give you mine! That medium rare steak strewn all over the place shot hit my drool button.
Deathtosnails Feb 1, 2010 Death toe nails, that's kinda scary in a reclusive anti-social way. I'm picturing a guy that does not get out much and has like 5 cm toe naiils...eeewww!
Death toe nails, that's kinda scary in a reclusive anti-social way. I'm picturing a guy that does not get out much and has like 5 cm toe naiils...eeewww!