texas blues
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  • missylou. People love her. Possum's fear her.
    Opossum = doggy Queso.
    My GSD does a critter check each night. No possums here any more.
    Fitty went to his mom's house, woke her up, and then slapped her. I like to be liking that. Slap me 5!
    Batten down the hatches SoFlo. Y'all take care and God Bless.
    yeah lots of kids were born around here 9 months after Andrew....
    Wait TB. You were eating Sloppy Joes because Mrs. blues was out of town.
    You flip that breaker for sexy time by yoseff?
    texas blues
    texas blues
    mrs. blues is here. We had foreplay which is her saying "wake me when you're through".
    My a/c starter cap just sheeit the bed. Tomorrow is 'posed to be 108 again. I gotta' find that cap and replace pronto!
    108 and raining?
    Ouch. Don't you have a 10 gallon hat?
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Its stayed cooler from the rain. Its only 90 right now. No 10 gallon hat but a 10...
    ...Speed bicycle?
    Why oh why didn't I buy a house that had a pool? Sometimes chillin', bein' cool, like I am, just ain't cool enough.
    Pool is a PITA - total waste of time and money. Best to have a friendly neighbor with a pool!
    Go get ya a big Horse Trough from Tractor Supply, fill it up and jump in but not head first!
    Chile Juju
    Chile Juju
    You could soak your tootsies in a bucket of cold water! Ain't glam, but it works! ;)
    Austin is not weird. Its AWESOME!
    Heh. It IS weird, AND awesome! A perfect place for THPers.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Austin has the best slogan.
    "if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere"
    102 when I left Dallas at noon today. 105 when I rolled up here in Austin at 5pm
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Jay I was pointing out that a cold front came through
    How on earth did it take you 5 hours to get to A-Town?
    Oh TB,dont forget,keep Austin weird!
    texas blues
    texas blues
    When I left Austin in '72 it was already weird. They didn't come up with the Keep Austin Weird thang til the '90's.
    Just got an inch long praying mantis that was on my ceiling right over my computer desk. Let him loose on my shrubs in the front yard. WOOT! Theirs a new sheriff in town y'all!
    A B-29 just flew over my house!!! WOW!!!
    Dude. That is pretty random.
    I have NEVER been able to see a Super Fortress in the AIR!
    Break any dishes?
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Its the only flying one left and in town this weekend.
    My 3 year old Droid Verizon contract is up in 2 weeks. Droid was great when I got it but compared to the new phones its a clunker. Thing weights a pound! Adios Droid, hola IPhone!
    I completely despise cell phones. Phasing them out of my life. When did it become OK that everyone can get in instant contact with you any hour of day and wonder why you didn't get in touch with them at 1am on a Sunday (??)
    Unfortunately, everyone expects you will have one so it seems to be a challenge to phase it out but I'll figure it out.
    I love being able to get in touch with anyone at anytime of day or night. It's a godsend but It also has it's drawbacks as well. It's all about finding balance...anything can be bad without balance. IP4 rocks. So much better then Android based phones. There are a few things I liked about the droids that the IP4 doesn't have but not enough to ever think about changing back. The Iphones have such a smother platform and even the same apps I had on my droid are better on the Iphon...
    I think Bear. That guy. should register and post here on THP. What say y'all?
    He doesn't know how to type growls and armpit fart noises.
    Even tho his IQ is in the low 150's.
    That idea has been tossed around for a while. He would have to be denied voting rights. He can't be trusted with suffrage or anything with a vagina.
    texas blues
    texas blues
    Or faces.
    Went to Central Market today to find some hot sauce fixin's. They didn't have jack. Sign on the bank said 100F. Adios springtime.
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