Shrooms, huh? lol.... well I've never heard that before! Been dealing with these since my early 20s. I don't get the every day cycles like I used to, and they're not as severe as they used to be, thank God. But they still come and go..... always in the middle of the night. It used to be around 6 pm and midnight every single night during a cycle.... like clock work. now they just seem to show up when they want to... left temple, always.
Someone I know has to use shrooms about 2-4 times a year as a preventative measure. It keeps them down to 1-2 clusters a year. They used to have them 1-2 a month. There is some science behind it, a quick google search will lead you to lots of use cases.
damn man, sucks! mine are every change of season. so right about now should be kicking in. got verapamil for prevent and imitrex for abort. prednisone tapers. ugh.......
Glad your's aren't as severe as they were. cluster busting is the shroom treatment.
verapamil.... I was on that for blood pressure and arrhythmia, but the doc switched me to lisinopril. I don't remember having any headaches while I was on verapamil. I've heard about prednisone. Never shrooms, though! Sounds trippy! Best of luck with yours.... don't punch yourself in the temple too much, even though I know it helps.
Yes me too. You can call it by different names. Got one right now! When the season changes they start. Left side around eye. Doc put me on Dilantin and it works. I never had a seizure but its side effect helps. Can't drink anymore!
stop it Phil you are going to make me think about it too much lol! (not that it is ever funny). Have you guys ever tried oxygen? Works great for the 7pm, but by the time the extreme midnight one comes, its too far into the event to recover.
its just a tank with a non re-breathable mask. I have a small tank that I keep handy. The extra oxygen causes the blood vessels to constrict, taking the pressure off the nerves. Works like Imitrex, without the side effects and cost. Cheap and safe. Not as fun as busting though!