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  • i love coming home to seeing the first few pods starting to change! and all the other plants are loving the SD weather and spouting up tall!
    i love this time of year, where my plants are growing nice ans steady! cant wait for them all to have pods.
    nothing like coming home from work to find the first 4 pods set on your plants! cannot wait to harvest them!
    Nice! Hoping there's many more to come!
    woo hoo, all but 2 seedlings have popped up! after a a shaky start to my growing season, the plants i bought are starting to fill in and my seedlings are sprouted! cannot wait to start harvesting(gonna be a little while)
    nothing like getting to go home early from work to come home to missing plants! someone took 3 of my more mature plants from the front yard! they opened the fence grabbed then and left! they also kicked over the younger seedling so other than the 7 plants in the back yard i have to start all over! thinking i might put up survelance to i can see who it is next time! im pissed.
    Hopefully they burn the shit out of their mouth, stomach, and ass and bring the plants back.
    Wtf? That is truly crappy. That person deserves the worst leaf spot spread they've ever seen this year!
    they were in little 1 gal nursery pots. and the rest were in solo cups, nothing like having to start over with germinating seeds! thinking of getting survelance to watch the plants! i have the north park homeless crew on the lookout! LOL
    woo hoo, prinmo, douglah X butch T, 7 Pod Rennie decided to come play and popped today! now if the rest would hurry up! :)
    well, bishops crown were the first to pop., planteda couple little ones in the ground to see if they stick(doubt it but worth a shot)
    well 2014 seeds are planted, will be growing 14 varieties as long as they all sprout! cant wait to see how well they grow at the new place!
    well my second Nesco dehydrator motor dies on me last week, and well decided to sell some of my discs to get the moeny, but got it, Excaliber 9 tray is coming to me on Friday! now i just need my over wintered plants to come to life and start producing so i can use it.
    You'll be diggin that Excalibur!
    Man I hate that yours disappointed you. My Nesco has been running for a while
    yeah i bought the 75PR and 1.5 years the motor stopped working, then i bought another one for 40 bucks shipped only to have it last 1year 2 months. so i jsut said hell with it, drop some cash on one that has a 5 year warrenty(just in case)
    woo hoo, my brembo master cylinder made it today with the evotech resevoir. cannot wait to get the brake pads next week! come the first track day i will ahve brakes that work!
    woo hoo, the house is ours! move in is going to start on the 15th! and i got new front brake master cylindar for my track bike! brembo 19X20RCS and carbon lorraine C59 pads
    Sweet, Plan on buying me a house in 2014 myself.
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    who needs christmas with presents like that!
    well, landlord is a douchey flake, asked him to fix the circuit breaker as 2 outlets dont work, 3 weeks ago and still nothing, so we went and look at 2 bed 2 bath 1500Sqft house and love it, credit apps ar esubmitted, fingers crossed it all works out, little more than we want to pay, but its a cool area and my buddy lives across the street, and 3 min from disc golf course! cant wait to get in probably middle of Jan if al goes well!
    Good luck and Merry Christmas brotha
    Best wishes - hope it works out for you!
    Nice, good luck buddy. Me and the wifey are lookin fir a house too. Sounds like you might have found a winner.
    only 8 hours left of work then off to Rhode island for 10 days! cannot wait to get away to the fridged ass cold east!
    It's 81 degrees here :)
    supposed to be 35 tomorrow! :)
    just in case anyone wanted to know, poo pourri really works, made my bomb smell like lemons!
    woo hoo, first gnarly reapr is changing! cant wait till its closer to full ripe so i can share a picture with you all!
    this one does not have a tail, its super bumpy and scary looking, keep your eye out for a picture in the next few days
    i got two that are looking like the real deal.
    the other pods on the plants have stingers and what not, they are really tasty and really hot! the very first pod to grow was the typical little guy.
    man, what a great evening of bodyboarding! been awhile since i rode waves this fun! it was head high with loks of room to ride! cannot wait to do it again!
    Look'd like the waves were peeling my friend.
    Hell yea Eric! Sounds like a blast!
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