afr0n0me Apr 24, 2015 Is there a quicker way to harden stuff off ? work schedule keeps my busy 5 days out of the week .... only have time to harden off on the weekend.
Is there a quicker way to harden stuff off ? work schedule keeps my busy 5 days out of the week .... only have time to harden off on the weekend.
afr0n0me Apr 20, 2015 Not up for leaving the peppers outside, so the tomatoes will have to stay out for the night. Low of 0c let's see what happens.
Not up for leaving the peppers outside, so the tomatoes will have to stay out for the night. Low of 0c let's see what happens.
afr0n0me Apr 19, 2015 Well first real day of hardening off went on without a hitch! today for day number 2
afr0n0me Apr 18, 2015 90% of my plants sitting outside in the wind and their first sun light of the season
afr0n0me Apr 6, 2015 boooo 3 of my plants look like they aren't going to make it, hydro to soil. I don't think they liked the move very much
boooo 3 of my plants look like they aren't going to make it, hydro to soil. I don't think they liked the move very much