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  1. Hitman

    labels Problems with bubble in hand applied labels

    ....could you point me in the direction of the clear sealer sprays? ...a brand, place to purchase, etc.... Thanks...
  2. Hitman

    Sold 3 out of bottles from the batch, with people wanting more. Not sure if I'll make it again...

    Sold 3 out of bottles from the batch, with people wanting more. Not sure if I'll make it again, though. It didn't turn out how I envisioned it.
  3. Hitman

    Has anyone ever used artichoke hearts as the base in a hot sauce? I think that if I can preserve...

    Has anyone ever used artichoke hearts as the base in a hot sauce? I think that if I can preserve the rich flavor of an artichoke it might make a great habanero sauce.
  4. Hitman

    made a strawberry habanero hot sauce this's getting rave reviews so far. I'm...

    made a strawberry habanero hot sauce this's getting rave reviews so far. I'm hoping that as it ages, the strawberry flavor will become a bit more noticeable.
  5. Hitman

    misc Preserving with Acids

    Salsalady - thanks for the warm welcome. I appreciate your attention to detail and in giving me a lot to start with. I'm not familiar with testing the pH (where can I get more info about this? Why is it done? How does it affect the sauce?). Also, what is a co-packer? Thanks all for your...
  6. Hitman

    misc Preserving with Acids

    Thanks for the info... I'll be operating out of Medford, OR. Where are you at?
  7. Hitman

    misc Preserving with Acids

    I've recently found this site, and it seems to be a bountiful source of information on all things hot sauce. I am thrilled to have such a wonderful resource available. With that said, I've been making sauces for the past 2 years and have seen such a huge demand for these sauces that I intend on...