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  1. Yellow King

    vendor Midwest Chile Heads (

    Hello, Mr.knull I sent you a DM.
  2. Yellow King

    (ISO) pepper seeds .

    Anybody know where I can buy "Grao de Bode" pepper seeds the peach kind not the red ones ?
  3. Yellow King

    Differences in Fidalgo, and Fidalga Roxa peppers ?

    So what you guys are saying is that it's the same pepper but people are naming it two different ways ?
  4. Yellow King

    Differences in Fidalgo, and Fidalga Roxa peppers ?

    How can you tell the difference ? Color of flowers, pepper size ?
  5. Yellow King

    pod Photo taker ID ?

    Who took this picture of there "Malaysian Goronong" ? I have been seeing this photo in many seed websites. Does anybody else sell true Malaysian Goronong pepper seeds that grow long not short ?
  6. Yellow King

    Pepper seeds.

    These photos where from the Buckeye pepper website. I was going to buy them from there but after a month they had already shut down there site.
  7. Yellow King

    Pepper seeds.

    Anyone have seeds for these two pepper varieties that I could buy from ? 1.Tshololo Orange 2.Lil' skaggnast JS yellow
  8. Yellow King

    Madame jannette x goronong seed Results ?

    Did anyone that got Madame jannette x goronong seeds get a phenotype like the one on the photo ?
  9. Yellow King

    for-sale pimenta Lisa f4 and pimenta Lisa peach seeds ? Anyone have them for sale

    Nice looking plants and i yes tell me when you get seeds from them i want to buy some .
  10. Yellow King

    for-sale pimenta Lisa f4 and pimenta Lisa peach seeds ? Anyone have them for sale

    so no one has some. no wonder meatfreak stopped selling seeds no one bought them.
  11. Yellow King

    for-sale pimenta Lisa f4 and pimenta Lisa peach seeds ? Anyone have them for sale

    Looking for someone that could sell me some. 1.Pimenta Lisa F4 seeds 2.Pimenta Lisa Peach seeds
  12. Yellow King

    Ornamental pepper with pink mango colored pods ?

    Not that long ago i saw this thread that some one had planted a ornamental plant outside that gave out pink mango colored like pods does anyone remember that post i am trying to look for it ? Don't know if it was in pepper talk or in pepper I.D. ?
  13. Yellow King

    Peru Bitdumi Rocoto ?

    Thanks for helping guys. Guatemalan ensanity pepper I pm'ed you.
  14. Yellow King

    Peru Bitdumi Rocoto ?

    What do they taste like,and does the plant produce a lot of them ? Do you have pictures you can show me ?
  15. Yellow King

    Peru Bitdumi Rocoto ?

    has anybody tried it ?
  16. Yellow King

    Orange Thai Seed

    Anybody have " chris large orange Thai hybrid" seeds ?
  17. Yellow King

    Habanero Chocolate Hand Grenade

    where can i get some of these seeds at ?
  18. Yellow King

    anybody know where i can get LZ3/Tr7 pepper seeds ?
  19. Yellow King

    chinense Another XL, strange, and bumpy habanero showed up at work today.

      Hey have you grow the seeds out of this habanero ? 