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  1. koskorgul

    Its a sad sad day

    Thanks all, yeah it really sucks but has renewed my spirit to grow more, better and more next year.    Dulac - I did make a boat load of powder though. I have sugar maple smoked fatalli, yellow scorpion/red cayanne mix, CRH, Ghost, cherry smoke scorpion, and a bunch more. I have like a quart and...
  2. koskorgul

    Its a sad sad day

    So after a very bountiful growing season I had packed my freezer full of peppers. Had so many that I had to store some in a 2nd freezer. Everything from Yellow Scorpions, Red, Yellow and Choc Bhuts. Yellow 7 pots, Carribean Red Habs. Freezer was so full that I could barely close the lid. Well, I...
  3. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Ramon, been a hell of a season here. Plants are huge and putting out pods but now the season is slowing down :( Oh well got plenty to last awhile   Thanks Dev, sorry it took so long to get the update it, glad I did though. Wouldnt have been as bountiful as it was if not for the folks here...
  4. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Heading to bed, had a full post of replies but it didnt go through, will post in the AM
  5. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Same here, of all the pics this is my favorite.   Hang out here, read and ask questions and I guarantee that your plants will be larger and produce more. One tip that I learned on here is topping a plant. I never heard of it before, but it works. If you do a search on the site you will find the...
  6. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    It is a sweet 100 cherry tomato. I am keeping seed from this guy and going to go the Guiness Book next year for the tallest tomato plant. Will be pruning anything extra it wont need. I have seen this thing grow like a foot in a week.    How about some harvest pics now. This is from my first...
  7. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    So finally an update with some pics. Had to change internet carriers and change operating systems on the computer but here it is the update with pics.   First is going to be some pics of the plants, after a bump I will post some harvest shots.  Have the freezer full of pods now so I have been...
  8. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Wanted to stop in and give somewhat of an update, let you all know I didnt forget about you. LOL   Have been busy with the new job so dont have to much time on the computer at home, plus it is slow as watching your first pepper plant put out its first pod.   Have had a decent harvest so far this...
  9. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    OK first let me say sorry for being away so long and no updates. I make this promise to all my chilli head brethren that I will have a pic update this weekend. Been super busy with the new job and haven't have a chance to get on the computer. I have taken pics as I knew that at some point in...
  10. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks all sorry for the lack of responses. First let me say that it looks like a cat either got the last of the rabbits or chased them away. I haven't seen any in a few days Second I will be posting some updated pepper plant shots later today once I get on the compiter. Last but not least...
  11. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    LOL Jamie, Not sure I want to take this one out, seemed like alot of poeple didnt like the fact that I dispatched of the first one.
  12. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    So i am outside last night and wouldnt you know it, another rabbit inside the garden. Have no idea how it got in this time. I lifted the side of the fance and let it out, then restaked it. Going to let this one go as I do not want to take out another one. The only thing I can think of on how...
  13. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    LOl had to get it all in there, I am sure I missed somethings though, was a busy weekend. I hear ya on the swing set, she loved it. to see her eyes light up like they did made it all worth it. Ummm pics of me on slide uhhh the camera broke... yeah thats it LOL
  14. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Yeah I made it Scott, Barely but I made it LOL   Thursday it is going to be my 19 yr old, my 27 yr old and his son, along with my 15 yr old son, the GF's 12 and 9 yr old daughters, my 2 yr old then myself and my gf all in the house at the same time. Gonna be a little crowded.
  15. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Dammit Dammit Dammit. I knew I shouldnt have come in here before lunch, now I am hungry. Thanks LOL just messing with ya Foodie and peppers look awesome, as usual ramon
  16. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Busy Busy weekend at the Koskorgul Homestead. Not much for pepper updates though.   Started out saturday morning with a drive to Toys R Us to look at swingsets, Didnt see any there so we went to walmart. They dont even carry them, you can order online and have it delivered to the store or your...
  17. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Looking good Scott. Love the foodie pics.
  18. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Thanks again for the heads up. Going to pick up a few diff. "flavors" this weekend. Try differant combinations to find the one I like. Most likely get a bag each of the Apple and Pican. Will have to see what others they have other than the traditional, hickory, Mesquite, etc...   When you say...
  19. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

      I have some hickory at the house now that I use when grilling. Not sure where i can find pecan wood at. Have to look around a Home Depot, walmart and KmartThanks for the tip   Did a quick serach at Home Depot and they have diff kinds from apple and pecan to hickory. 6.99 for a 5 lb bag. Will...
  20. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    That makes sense, Thanks Ramon I will have to shoot him a PM then. I do know that about a month or so after I pull this for the winter I will be starting new seedlings for next year. Want to get a nice head start on everything. Have a lay out that I am hoping that I can do in the basement for a...