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  1. koskorgul

    stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

    Everything looking good, Food looks awesome.
  2. koskorgul

    romy6 2013

    Damn you are pulling pods and have color everywhere. I am just happy to have the start of a flower on mine LOL.   Looking good man
  3. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thank you and thanks for the bump, now some foodie pics   Ingredients for the peppers Oregano, black pepper, salt, Basil Leaves, tyme, Bell pepper, Onions, minced garlic added all ingredients along with some butter, sauteed on low heat till they got soft   Ingredients for home made BBQ Soy...
  4. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Time for another update, something is still going after my plants, and still havent found out what yet. I did stop for a bit but I think that was because of the rain and wind we had here. This is the Thai Fire, you can see some of the flowers starting to bud   Black Thai   Another Thai Fire...
  5. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Will deff keep that in mind. We had a boat load of them last year along with box elders. Been reading on them and they seem to want the young leaves and such from trees. Since the huge sugar maple was cut back and ultimately killed last year, I am hoping that the bugs find another place to go...
  6. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Hope you get the aphids under control. Nice to see the lady bugs are doing their thing also. I am still trying to figure out what is eating holes in some of my peppers.   and as always the food pics look awesome
  7. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Looking good Scott. Will be doing the same with the maters, just noticed a few flowers on the cherry tomato plant lastnight, so it wont be much longer. All of my Thai Fires that I have in buckets have the beginning of flowers on them now. Plus the 7 pot
  8. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    I am saying the same thing Chris but ya know, everytime I check on things in the gradens I see empty space and think man I bet a plant could fit in there.  I do have one plant that doesnt look like it is going to make it. With all the rain we just got the past few days it isnt looking good. If...
  9. koskorgul

    Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

    We had some strong storms move through on Wednesday night, then a steady rain. Had stronger storms lastnight and more steady rain. Has been raining all day so far today. I watered on Monday and now with all this rain I am beginning to get a little worried that they are getting too much. Good...
  10. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks, will have to keep a lookout for any snails. I havent seen any around the area since I lived here, but wont rule out anything till I know for sure.   It isnt much damage only a few small holes couldnt even fit a pencil through but it is enough to get my quard up.   Have a great weekend...
  11. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Damn that sounds good and here I was thinking I was doing good with grilled chicken LOL   Might be changing my menu for the weekend
  12. koskorgul

    How do YOU smoke your chillies?

    I use E-Z wider rolling papers. Has to be loose enough to get a good puff puff then pass. J/K I couldnt resist   Just got a smoker last weekend so havent had a chance to do any yet.
  13. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks for that info. Not sure what it is at this point then, but I will find out and eradicate. LOL They havent done a whole lot of damage, maybe a spot here and there. Will be applying neem oil this weekend. Getting some tomorrow after work.   Yes yes will get the pics. feel like a voyeur...
  14. koskorgul

    Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

    I was going to keep it, just because but figured I could use the space on my phone for something better. Like Furit ninja or something LOL.   Rained here lastnight We got a quick heavy rain T-storm come through and then a nice slow soaking rain after that. Plants are going to love it. I was...
  15. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Checked the gardens lastnight before it rained and noticed something has been eating the leaves. Found a few stink bugs, disposed of them so hopefully they were the culprit and it stops. Getting some Neem oil this weekend, just so I have it on hand. Also found the beginning of some flowers on my...
  16. koskorgul

    Got my first flowers on my Thai Fires and some on my Yellow 7-pot

    Got my first flowers on my Thai Fires and some on my Yellow 7-pot
  17. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    Hope you get it Chris. One way or the other. I know if the ones in my yard start in on my peppers, I will be getting a wrist rocket and taking it out BDQ
  18. koskorgul

    Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

    Looking good Annie I know what you mean about the weather channel app. I actually uninstalled it because of that. One min it would say one thing, the next something completely diff. Yet it wouls say updated 1 min ago. I know weather changes but damn not that quick that much LOL When I planted...
  19. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Hoping the maters take off for me, use them in my sauces and getting from store just isnt the same. Going to try the cherry maters in some sauces as well. Main reason I got that one was because my gf's oldest daughter loves em. Told her to be ready for a lot of maters as they produce like...
  20. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Thinking I will be trying the soup sometime this weekend. Plus will do some grilled chicken with some of the smoked powder I got from Muskymojo